Chapter 9

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Amy's POV:

Till now, spending time with my little brother or my lovely mom had been my favorite times. But never did I imagine a boy who so recklessly rejects the acceptance from other people he doesn't care about, was spending a whole lot of time with me than I could ever imagine.

After our little moments in the trip we had one week ago, Alex had taken our friendship to a completely whole other level. Gone were the small touches and hugs and pecks on the cheeks. They were replaced by intimate hand holding, very sincere looks, promising smiles and a little bit of possessiveness too.

Couple of days ago, while I was in the library doing a math assignment, a boy named Matt who was in the same math class I was, approached me and asked me a doubt. He was a typical nerd boy who had glasses and very much sincere in his work. I smiled gently and we began doing the assignment together which really helped me because I was able to complete it in just no time. While we were packing the books, he said thanks and for some reason, he seemed nervous. After a long couple of minutes, he began his mouth to speak.

"Amy, will you give me your number so that I can call you any other time? It's really fun to do math with you."

I was stunned and shocked. Except Alex and Dave, no one asked me my number.

I was about to say 'okay' and say that was no problem when Alex popped beside me out of nowhere and wrapped his hand on my shoulder very tightly I might add and glared at the boy who had his eyes widen in shock and fear.

"Go bother someone else."

The sentence had come out very harsh and with pure rage and that tone really frightened me. It's very cogently spoken, I think, because Matt immediately mumbled a sorry and hurried out of there.

Then Alex smiled at me and I became very skeptical and I was so confused. He ignored my look and ushered me out of that place and dropped me at my home and went with his usual shift at the diner where he works.

We were not officially a couple yet we certainly act like it. I really want him to ask me out but he told me to wait and I will wait because at last, he would be worth it.

I sighed out loud and the girl beside me gave me an irritated look. I gave her an apologetic smile and walked lazily to another aisle of clothes in the shopping mall.

It was Saturday and my mom had her day off today and wanted to spend some with my brother. I was getting bored at my home and both Dave and Nat went on a full day date. Apparently, they were not spending enough time together, they think so.

So I forced myself out of my home and having an urge to buy some new clothes but not having a damn clue on what I wanted to buy was really starting to frustrate me!

Oh god! When did I start swearing?

I was in the kids section wanting to buy a new car collection that was recently launched for Nick and I started hearing a small childish girl voice calling a name of person who was constantly being in my mind.

"Alex, please buy me that doll, pleeese, Alex"

That little voice started whining and Alex chuckled and his voice was so lively like he genuinely enjoys that little girl's presence.

I couldn't stop anymore so I rounded the corner and came to face with a beautiful sight. Alex was holding a little girl who was dressed in a lavender color gown and her hair was set loose. Alex himself was so handsome in his black jeans and white t-shirt with his hair messily sticking around and gazing with his emerald eyes at the girl adoringly.

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