Chapter 7

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This story is dedicated to my friend Swethatummala who has been constantly supporting me in writing this story.

Thank you so much  :-D


Amy's POV:

"Amy, Why can't I come with you?" My brother whined. Dressed in his favorite pajamas he looked very much cute and handsome for a five year old boy. 

"Because your sister is going to enjoy with her friends and you are not allowed to go outside of the town unless you are of certain age." My mother told in her famous motherly tone that instantly shuts anyone up.

I chuckled and ruffled Nick's hair. "Next time, buddy." He pouted but said nothing else.

"Thanks mom, for accepting me to go to this trip." I went to her and kissed her cheek.

She smiled and said nothing else as she was so immersed in the cookery show that was telecasting on the television. I sometimes wonder that my obsession on cooking was inherited from my mom who is a great cook herself.

When I asked my mom's permission, I almost didn't believe her words when she allowed me to go to this trip. She just smiled and said OK. 

Just like that!

Anyways, when I told my friends this, they were so ecstatic especially Alex. I had a feeling that I would discover new things about Alex or his past. But as much as I have this great urge to know about him completely, I trust him that he would tell me whenever he was ready. I know that Alex wants to tell me but he was waiting for the right time. 

However, my priority was to enjoy this trip as much as I could.


"This is pretty amazing." I said to myself and awed at the scenery that was in front of me. 

Dave's lake house was huge and beautiful. It has a vintage vibe to it and it felt so nostalgic. The lake house is situated adjacent to a very small lake but the water in it was so transparent and looked so fresh. The house is built with wood and it also looked a bit old. All said, it was simply breath taking.

I was so lost in relishing the warmth of the nature that I didn't notice that my friends were going into the house carrying all the luggage we brought with us. 

We came in Natalie's car and most of the ride I spent sleeping as I slept very little that night. I spent the night cooking the favorite dishes of my friends who demanded that I should cook them no matter what. It included muffins, cookies, cupcakes and some spicy sandwiches. I had no problem cooking because my mom helped too.

"Do you want to see the inside or not?" Alex said drawing me from my thoughts and I looked at him.

He was carrying my bag and his bag in both of his hands and was eyeing me humorous eyes like stating the fact that staring is indeed my habit as he said at the school where we met  for the first time. In dark colored shorts and white T-shirt, Alex looked really handsome and brought out very good but sexy look to him. 

I smacked his shoulder playfully and took my bag from his hand and made my way to inside of the house.

Dave and Natalie were already jumping with joy and they disappeared into some room probably selecting the best room.

It is lightly furnished inside only with the necessities and most of the place looks empty there by making it feel more spacious. Alex who came inside after parking and locking the car stood beside and said, "Come Amy, I will show you the entire house." I nodded and followed him.

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