Bridal Shower

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   Y/BF/N = Your best friend's name;

Since Joe proposed, you two have been planning like crazy. But, today is your bridal  shower. You are so excited. Y/BF/N and Zoe set up the whole party for you. You couldn't be more happy. 

When you arrived at the bridal shower, all your close friends and family were there. Of course they were all girls because only girls are allowed to go to a bridal shower. 

The dinner and desserts were all made by your mom and Y/BF/N. The party was great. The gifts are very cool and useful. Overall, it was a great day for you. You can't wait for the wedding.


Hey Guys! Sorry it's so short! I just went to a bridal shower because my cousin is getting married. 

Question: Have you ever been to a wedding?

I haven't. It is going to be my first one.

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Love ya,


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