Meeting his Dad

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Suggestion from the first place winner: OurxSalute                                                                                                  His Dad doesn't like you:

So Joe is taking you to meet his dad, Graham. To say you are nervous is an understatement.

Joe didn't tell you this but, Graham hasn't met any of Joe's girlfriends since his long term girlfriend. Graham liked that girlfriend a lot. 

When you finally arrived you could tell his doesn't like you. He even straight out said it. Great.   

He does like you:

Joe is taking you to see his dad, that is a big milestone in your relationship. You are excited but, nervous at the same time. 

Since it is a long way to his house you decide to go Instagram. You follow an old childhood friend. Her Instagram name is GladerB5. She posted a cute picture of herself. Her name is Lois; she has dirty blonde, straight, medium hair and hazel eyes. You hope to see her again soon. You double tapped the picture.

Before you knew it you were at Joe's childhood house. His dad seemed to really like you, which you are very glad for.


Hey Guys! What's up? I am going a flied trip today to see a Holocaust play.

Question: What was your favorite flied trip or just trip? 

Mine was either going to the zoo or a crayon factory.

Please Comment, Vote, and Share. If you have a suggestion please message me. The contest is still up.

Love ya, 


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