A/N Contest CLOSE

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Hey Guys! In my last A/N. I said that the first, second and third people that gave my a suggestion will get a prize. Well I am going to extent it and stuff. So now it is the first top 5 people who gives me suggestions by messaging me. If you don't get in the top 5 don't worry your suggestion will still be use. 

Prizes and Winners:

First Place Prize: Will be in two updates. For example in the next two update say 'Sally' will be mention in the updates as a  the character.  If you they don't want to be in it then they can make their own character. Also they will get two shout outs for any type of app in the next two chapters. Lastly, they will get mention in my profile for two shout outs. This only already has a winner! And the winner is................................................................. 



Second Place Prize: Will be in the next update after the first place. They will be their own character in the update. If they are not comfortable with that then they can make up a character. They will going get one shout out in the update and one shout out on my profile page. This one also has a winner! And the winner is....................................................



Third Place Prize:  Will get a shout out in one of the updates. Also if they have a friend that wants a shout out from any website or something he/she will also get a shout out in a update and on my profile. Also they will have their name and a friends mention in an update. This one has a winner! And the winner is...........



Fourth Place Prize: Will get one shout out in an update and on my profile. They will have their name mention in an update.

Fifth Place Prize: Will get a shout out in an update and on my profile.

*Winners! Please message me from your prize.*

That's it! Good luck guys! If you like these contest like me know and I will do more. 

Love ya,


Joe Sugg ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now