Chapter 16. The Nightmare Continues

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Unedited. This chapter may be a bit confusing for some. But just know that the italicized words mean she's having a flashback. So picture it like she's having flashes from the past and than she's shot back into the present. Hope you enjoy the chapter!  

"Daddy! Mommy! Help me! Help me, please. Please."

I turned on my side, my lips parting in a pained expression.

"Ahh. It's coming closer. He's gonna hurt me please help me!"

My hands trembled-


My eyes were watering-

"Help me!"

My chest was pounding-

I turned to jiggle the gate again but it wouldn't budge. The mean dog was getting closer.

My eyes shot open and for just a second, all they could focus on was the delirious glint in Nathan's cruel eyes.

I kept jiggling the gate. Nothing was working. The lock wouldn't budge. I could hear the doggy's nasty snarls and I began to whimper myself.

My lips parted, nothing came out, but all I could mouth was the word 'no' over and over again. My limp hands came up and tried to push him off but I found them uselessly pinned to my sides in an instant.

I gave up and slumped to the ground. I curled my body together and covered my head. Now just awaiting the vicious attack.

Nathan came closer, inhaling my scent. Then, I flinched back when I felt him begin to trail sloppy kisses along my neck. My lips twisted in disgust while my stomach swirled with naesou. I felt like I was going to be sick.

My chest was heaving up and down and I was in hysterics. The dog was so close I could feel its breath on me-

"No, no, no princess. You lay here, and you take it!" A small whimper left my lips when the hold on my wrist was tightened. His hands began to wander-

-"Please don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me," I kept mumbling it over and over again. The grip on myself tightened and flinched back into the gate more. The dog was right in front of me now. It's eyes were such black hollows of madness that even staring at them for too long had my lips trembling. Its mouth was parted with some white bubbles at the edge of it. It stepped closer and-

A scream ripped through my lips at the pain the exploded within my lower regions. Though my hands were weak they managed to get out of the hold they were in and push made instant contact with Nathan's chest. I didn't care anymore. There was no more pain. Everything went numb. Almost as if this was a scene taken right out of a movie.

My fists continued to pound into his chest and I think I may even socked him in the face a few times. Nonetheless I didn't stop fighting. I didn't care about the hits being thrown at me or the hands that were trying to restrain me or even cold air that was drifting through my ripped clothes. I didn't care about anything.

"Charlotte!" I heard a familiar scream from above and I was ripped away from the dogs unmerciful eyes and wrapped into the arms of mommy and daddy. I pushed my face into daddy's chest and cried as mommy began leaving a lot of kisses all over my face. Daddy rubbed my back soothingly and then whispered," It's alright, pumpkin. We're here. You're alright. We would never let anything happen to you. Ever."

"Charlotte! Charlotte. Oh, God." My breath hitched in my throat at the sound of the voice. I tried- I really did try to lift my head but I could feel the fight leaving my body. My arms began to ache and my throat clogged up. I didn't know what was happening. My head began spinning and every time I closed my eyes flashes would appear. But not light flashes. Memories. Faces. Blood. The past. Oh, God help me.

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