Chapter 10. The Green Eyed Boy

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Shit! Shit! Shit! I screamed in my head, the nervous and familiar feeling of fear creeping back full force. I shouldn't have done that! What have I done? What have I done? He's going to kill me. He's going to corner me in some ally and strangle me! I'm so stupid! So, so stupid!

Wait- maybe this is a good thing. Yeah. He'll know I've grown a back bone. He'll get the hint over time and stop messing with me.

With that in mind, I felt my pulse begin to decrease in its throbbing and become normal again. It didn't stop the fearful gulp I did, but it stopped my nerves from going over board.

This is good Char. This is for the better. After today, people will know not to mess with you anymore.

* * *

"Do you have a damn death wish?" I tensed up when I heard his voice. Though I relaxed when I remembered he was no threat to me- yet.

I shrugged my shoulders in reply, focusing on the task at hand. I was in sixth period, lunch, and was determined to get some homework done so I didn't have to worry about it later. I hadn't been able to pay attention in any of my classes lately because I was too wound up about what I was going to do after school.

I was scared out of my wits- of course! In fact, I didn't even know why I wanted to go through with it and I had no clue what I wanted to get out of this. I think I was tired of being afraid and wanted to fight back. I wanted to make sure he knew I was no scared of him. I wanted him to know he would not be the one who was in control of my life. He would not take the reigns and decide where my future would end up at. I would be damned if I let him have that power!

"Damnitt!" I heard Luke whisper, before I felt a harsh grip on my arm. My eyes widened and I retracted my arm out of his embrace with a deadly glare his way. A glare that clearly said Don't touch me.

"Do you have any idea what the hell you just got yourself into Diaz? Of course not! Shit! Why do you always get yourself into trouble! Nathan is pissed as hell and he might even go as far as t..." he trailed off, panting and out pf breath, while pulling at his hair in frustration.

That's when I noticed it. Three dark, ugly bruises that stood out as clear as day on his right wrist. Ever since last night, when I bandaged up everything, I had been a lot more skeptical of Luke Carter and what he does in his free time. I didn't question him about it, but I did wonder about it. I wondered what fight he had gotten into when I saw how bloody and cut up he was when he asked for my help. I checked every single limb that hurt on his body. Not once, did I see those three bruises on his wrist.

I squinted at them, trying to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me. They weren't. The more I stared at them, the longer I put together that those bruises were made last night. They had to be made after he left. They had too. The dark fading purple lines on his arm were too dark and too prominent to be old ones.

"Are you even listening?" My eyes flickered up to his dark and intense blue orbs. He was glaring at me. But I didn't care. He didn't need to worry about me. I rolled my eyes.

He scoffed out loud, running his hands down his face in a dramatic manner. "Look, just stay out of his way. And stay away from me." He whispered the last part, before he stalked off in angry strides.

However, my thoughts still lingered on the question as to why there were three new bruises on his wrist. Finger print bruises no less. There's no way he got them from being in a fight. Could it be a possibility he was jumped again on the way home. But that brings me back to the first question: Who beat him up?

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