Chapter twenty three

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Deondrae's P.O.V.

He took the palm of his hands and slapped it across my cheeks leaving me paralyzed for a moment. I looked into the eyes of my boss to see it was filled with pure evli. He was a cold hearted man that had no remorse whatsoever. He would rather watch you die a slow and painful death rather then saving you. They say when you die you meet the devil but I believe nothing could be as evil as the man that stands right in front of me.

So far he's killed more people then the tattoos on Lil wayne's body. He has destroyed everyone in his path. Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking when I agreed to the offer this man gave me. Now I truly understand the phrase 'money is the root of all evli'.

Spitting the blood on the cement ground I looked up again "Jaden what the fuck do you want".

He turned around and began angrily pacing in front of me. Laughing menacingly his fist collided with my jaw making a loud cracking sound.

"WHAT I WANT IS THE GIRL! Did I not make it clear that I want her by today." He spat in my face.

"I remember specifically telling you that I want her right here TODAY, SO WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE DEONDRAE!" His fist collided once more with the other side of my jaw. Pain irrupted through my jawline, i don't think I can even talk properly anymore.

Jaden wanted Bella since the first time he saw her. My job was to threaten her and bring her to him. Once she was safely in his possession I would be free and so would my brother. I don't know what he wanted with her and I didn't care, the only thing on my mind was saving my little brother from his filthy hands. Once I actually started seeing the damage I was doing to her I couldn't live with myself, so on the day I went to the hospital with her I planned on telling her everything so she could know what's coming after her.

".....You see I knew you would fail at bringing her, you're too weak. That's why I already killed that little shit you called your brother! Mike kill him, I'm tired of dealing with this shit. Tonight we get the girl and whoever gets in our way, gets a bullet to the head."

In the shadow a very large man appears, I guess he was Mike. I guess I do deserve this, my time on this Earth is finished.

Mike aims the gun to my chest where my heart was.

They say when you're about to die your whole life flashed before your eyes. You see all of the good things and all of the bad things you've ever done. Well that's exactly what i'm looking at. I see all the times i've been rejected, tortured and looked down upon. But I also see the good times with my brother, when we were playing in the park, when we went to Hawaii. As a single tear streaks down my face the gun goes off and all I see is darkness.

Kayla's P.O.V.

The door to my hospital room creeks open and I saw A manly figure enter the room. As he came closer I saw that it was Anthony. For the past week or so he's been visiting me frequently. Every single day I always come up with a lie to get him out if the room because even seeing him makes my heart bleed in agony. He was the first guy i've ever loved.

Today. I guess luck wasn't on my side because I had no way of getting him out of my room.

"Hi" his voice was raspy to the point where it pained him to speak.

In general he looked like shit. His hair was a mess, his eyes blood shut and his clothes were dishelved. He looks twice his age and although I'm mad at him I feel bad that I'm the cause of his pain.

"Hey" I replied

"Look I know this might not be a good time to talk, but I really feel as if we should talk about it"

I open my mouth to say something but he put his hands in the air stopping me from doing so.

"I'm a total dick for doing something so stupid. I regret every second I pained you. I don't deserve you but since i'm a selfish guy I can't help but want you. This is the first real relationship i've ever had so I don't know when you're sad, mad or even have something on your mind. I don't know when to get you flowers and I don't even know what its like to be romantic. But When I'm with you, you make me want to try, you make me want to hang up my playing title just to be with you and only you. That girl I cheated with was a moment of weakness and if you were to give me a second chance to show you how much I love you, I'd be the happiest guy in the world.

He left me speechless. Although he's pained me, he promised to change just for me and i can't help but doubt him a little. His hands touched my cheek and I saw him wipe some tears off. Fuck! I'm such a cry baby. I looked up at the guy i'm in love with. It was right then and there that I made up my mind.

Grasping his hands from my cheek I placed in back in his lap and said the words that I hoped would be the right decision.

"I don't think I could be with you"

:::::::::AUTHOR'S NOTE:::::::::::::

Well I think this was more of a filler chapter. Please do comment what you thought of this chapter I would appreciate it a lot.

Loves, hugs, candies and all that ish


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