Chapter twenty-One (The roles have switched)

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I placed the key into the lock shaking it in the process in hopes of this dumb mechanical device to actually work. Grunting i turned around and slid my back against the wooden door to my house. Today had been the most confusing, scary and tiring day of my life. They might say a player never looses his or her touch but i've lost my touch completely. Every time in school when another girl threw their selves at me, the only emotion i felt was disgust. Disgusted at them for being so desperate, for not having any dignity or respect for themselves and for their parents, not knowing what their daughters were actually doing at school.

Are you sure you have balls? 

That taunting voice in my head sneered at me. Frustrated with myself and the decisions i've made i unlocked my car and slid into the driver's seat. At that moment i drove around town for hours with no specific destination in mind. In a matter of seconds the once bright day had dissolved into a beautiful sunset. Filled with beautiful pink and yellow swirls. Parking my car into the plush green grass i hopped out of the car and just stared in awe at the beautiful sight before my eyes.

Are you sure you're not turning into a chick?

ignoring my subconscious' irrelevant comments I decided to live in the moment. And the moment happens to be me trying to fix things with Bella. The once colorful sight before my eyes had dispersed and was now replaced by the glowing light of the moon and the twinkling stars. Sighing i slid back into my car and headed back home this time hoping that that stupid lock would actually work this time. 

Reaching for the radio the once quite car was not booming with j cole's crooked smile. I started bobbing my head to the beat of the music. Keeping a close ear on the lyrics i realized that some parts were actually true, even i was too dumb to realize sometimes the things a women actually go through. Giving birth, Cooking, Cramps and much more and how do I repay them. By being a selfish and manipulative player that uses them for nothing more then a playtoy. I probably don't deserve to have her in my life, maybe this was a sign to let her be.

Bella's not the only thing you lost. R.I.P. To Corhan's masculinity.

For once in my life i'm the one who'se feeling the pain. I guess Karma is a bitch.


"This party is AMAZING!" I slured torwards Beyonce. smirking she held her red cup to her face and poured the clear liquid down her throat. "Enough with being depresses LETS PARTY!". She pulled me towards the dancing floor or should i say living room, where all the sweaty and drunk teens were grinding on each other. 

Moving my hips to  the feel of the music i felt two large hands encircle my waist pulling my back towards their firm chest. I was too drunk to care and decided to let loose, and what better way then to grind on a total stranger. dropping to the floor and slowly but seductively bringing my ass up i could feel his buldge on my ass. smirking in satisfaction i turned and saw none other then My ex's friend Chresanto. "You really shouldn't do that Bella." he taunted. 

May i say he looks so fine in the outfit he's wearing. I could get a peek of the packs that lied behind that v-neck. I trailed my fingers down his packs hearing a low growl escape his pink lips. Oh god this boy was soo fine and why not have some fun. He took my hands in his and bend down to where his lips were on my ears "Now now Bella i don't like teases".

In an instant my legs were wrapped firmly on his waist and his lips were working wonders on my neck. I couldn't contain myself, I let out a small moan out of pleasure. This guy may not be someone i can date but he sure as hell can take my mind away from that Shallow excuse of a boyfriend that i had. 

He roughly threw me on the bed. Its like my hands had a mind of their own and next thing i know his shirt was on the floor and his lips were back of mine. I guess what Beyonce said was true. This was going to be one hell of a night.


Wow looks like Chresanto can get it. WHOOOOOO!

Lol i guess the roles are switched now. Corhans lost and Bella is out there partiying. Lets see what happens next.



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