Chapter 10 (the house again)

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Bella P.O.V.

I'm at home right now chilling until its 4:00 so i could go to Corhan's house. I wonder why?

I got ready to take a shower when i heard what seems to be pebbles hitting my window. I looke at the front yard to see Deaondrae standing there with a smirk on his face. Ugh the sight of him irritates me.

I stomped downstairs and opened the door to find him leaning on the side of my front porch.

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING AT MY HOUSE" i placed my hands on my hips and my face turned red as fire with anger. This arrogant bastard flashes photos of him raping me. Having the whole think i'm some kind of hoe and he has the decency to come at my house.

"Now is that the way your treat your guest" he said cockily with a smirk. "YOU ARE NOT MY GUEST YOU ARROGANT ASSHOLE" and guess what he did next. HE LAUGHED. This dude is about to get knocked out cold if he doesn't leave.

"Now you listen to me hoe. I have every right to be here. You owe me for the humiliation you put me through. DO YOU EVEN REMEMBER WHAT YOU DID TO ME! THOUGHT SO!!" He spat approaching me. With every step he took forward i took backward until there was no more space on the front porch.

"I-i don't- kn-know wh-a-t you're -t-alking about" i started stuttering. I never stutter unless i'm scared for ,y life and Deondrae was scaring me.

Someone cleared their throats behind me. We both turned around to see corhan standing there looking puzzled.

"Ummmm Bella i came to pick you up since you were late" he said with a fake smile. "Umm yea i just had to handle something first" Deondrae backed away from me and took off smiling at me and scowling at Corhan.

I took a quick shower while corhan waited for me on the couch int he living room. I dressed myself in some colorful polka dot leggings and a long blue baby boyfriend sweater. And let me tell you Corhan wasn't looking bad himself with the army pants and the middle sleeved red shirt and the bred 11's.


We got at his house. As soon as we got in he pushed me against the wall and kissed me. I was shocked at first but finally gave in. He bit my bottom lip asking for entrance and i gladly allowed him as our sweet tongues moved in a perfect sync together.

We finally stopped kissing and we started breathing heavily. "What was that for" i asked calming my breathing down. "Just a little motivation" with that said he grabbed my wrists amd led my upstairs to his bedroom.



Okay so this is all i have for now enjoy. ^_^

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