chapter twenty (back to the old days)

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            Bella P.O.V.

            Walking down the hallways alone i felt almost  the entire school's gaze fall onto me. To say it was uncomfortable would be an understanding. "Alright people back to your crappy lives, Shoo...Scram" Beyonce said and i was more then thankful. She walked me to my locker because Kayla is still at the hospital. 

            When we got to my locker my gaze was locked onto Corhan's expressionless face. Momentarily later he was faced towards a blond bimbo engrossed in a heated make-out session. My draws dropped at the sight before me. So he can move on that quickly while i spend my nights after winter break crying myself to sleep.

                  If this was how he wanted to play then that's exactly what i will do, move on. I slammed my locker shut completely ignoring Beyonce and headed to class passing by Corhan and the blond bimbo. With a smile plastered on my face i set a goal in mind. 

I will make Corhann Lockridge jealous of me .

Corhann P.O.V.

              Walking down the hallway all the girls' eyes were freely eye raping me. I guess the news of the break-up travels fast. It still amazes me how much i can ruin a relation that only lasted about two day. I headed down the hallways when a Blondie pops out of nowhere with her exposed legs on full display and a short skirt that could be mistaken as panties. Usually i would be more then happy to go for a round but, now the only thing i feel is disgusted towards her. 

             My eyes scanned the hallway only to land on Bella. She looked beautiful, as usual. whereas this Blondie bimbo reeked of desperation. The bimbo pulled my face closer by the collar of my shirt. "Ready to have some fun Corhann" i barely got a chance to answer because her lips smashed against mine forcefully and hungrily. This is the worst kiss ever but i still kiss her back. 

             I felt a stare behind my head and it was more then obvious who it was. Bella. I remembered back to the hospital when she crushed my heart into rubble and i plan on making her pay for it.

Watch out Bella I have one goal in mind and that's to make you jealous.


Well both of them want to make each other jelous. And i'm so sorry i've been to busy either reading books or writting the new one and i hope you guys like when it comes out. 


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