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"Well done to the last, Scott. Like the concerned friend you are, you brought Jackson to Derek to save him. You just didn't realize that you were also bringing Derek to me."

Scott ducked as an arrow swept through, and it hit Isaac in his shoulder. He gasped before falling to the ground.
"Allison!" Scott shouted.

Scott helped Isaac out of the way as Jackson turned, and Argent fired. Jackson hissed as he span around, and ran.
Argent kept firing, ignoring the shattering windows of his car as he continued. He loaded his clip as the Kanima appeared on top of the car, looking at him.

He was about to fire as its tail rapped around the gun, yanking it from its hands. Argent began to run as it followed, and he picked up his blade, only to be thrown across the ground.

Derek leaped over wooden planks, and growled at the Kanima.

Scott's claws extended, both him and Isaac already changed.

As Derek began, they all kicked in.

Peter watched the fight, flinching at parts.

Derek climbed a beam, and fell back down, his connected hands hitting the Kanima's back. As it hissed, it grabbed Derek's arm, pulling him forward.
He flipped off of the wall and over the kanima, only to be slammed into the wall.

Scott kicked the Kanima into the wall, only to be kicked across the room, into the metal poles.

As Derek charged, he grunted as it sliced his stomach, and he fell to the ground.
Isaac got back to his feet, only to get stabbed.

He stopped and fell to the ground as Allison drove her blades into his sides, a puff of air falling from her mouth.
As she spotted Derek, she began to walk towards him.

The blades fell as the Kanima grabbed her wrist, and her neck.
"Not yet, sweetheart." Gerard said.
"What are you doing?" Allison asked.
"He's doing what he came here to do."
"Then you know."

"What is he talking about?"
"It was that night outside of the hospital, wasn't it?" Gerard asked. "When I threatened your mother. I knew I saw something in your eyes, you could smell it, couldn't you?"

Isaac lifted his head. "He's dying."
"I am. I have been for a while now. Unfortunately, Science doesn't have a cure for cancer yet. But the supernatural does."

Derek's eyes focused on Gerard as he lay on the floor.

Allison choked as the Kanima tightened his grip.
"You monster." Argent said.
"Not yet."
"What are you doing!" Allison shouted.
"You'd kill her too!" Argent said as his eyes watered.
"When it comes to survival? I'd kill my own son."

Scott panted as he looked at Derek, who was trying to get off of the floor.

He stepped towards Derek, and lifted him by the neck. Derek's growls became short breaths as he got him to his feet.
"Scott, don't." He said.
"He's going to kill me right after, he's going to be an Alpha."

"That's true, but I think he already knows that. Don't you Scott? He knows that the ultimate prize is Allison. Do this small task for me, and you can be together. You are the only piece that doesn't fit, Derek. It won't be long until Elizabeth discovers you're dead, and it'll be too late to turn back."

Gerard took off his jacket.
Derek stared at Gerard as Scott held him. "In case you haven't learned yet, there is just no competing with young love."

"Scott, don't. Don't!"
"I'm sorry!" Scott said. "But I have to."

Scott yanked Derek's head back, prying Derek's jaws open. He growled out as Gerard rolled up his sleeve.
Placing it inside of Derek's mouth, Scott closed his jaw.
Gerard let out a scream as it happened, and Scott dropped Derek to the floor.

As Gerard examined the bite, he sighed for air, holding his arm in the air.
Scott's eyes watched as black blood ran down his arm.

Peter stared. "What the.."

"What?" Gerard asked.
He looked down at his arm, and his eyes widened, looking at Scott. "What is this? What did you do?"

Derek looked at Scott.
"Everyone always said Gerard had a plan." Scott said.
"I had a plan too."

Gerard dropped his jacket and pulled out his pill holder.

He poured the pills into his hand, and crushed them. A cloud of powder was released into the air as his knuckles turned white. "Mountain ash!"
Gerard's nose and eyes began to bleed black blood as he fell to his knees.

Everyone looked away as black liquid poured out of his mouth, and he fell to the ground.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Derek asked.
"Because you might be an Alpha, but you're not mine."

Gerard staggered until he was on his hands. "Kill..Kill.. Them.. All!"

The Kanima released its hand away from Allison's throat, and she elbowed its face.

The familiar blue jeep broke through the walls, straight into the Kanima.

Elizabeth watched from the back seat as Lydia and Stiles regained their breath.
"Did I get him?"
Scott smiled.
Lydia let out a scream as the Kanima climbed the front of the car, hissing at them. Stiles yelled as Elizabeth loaded her rifle.

Jumping out of the jeep, Elizabeth clicked her rifle before shooting at it, sending it to the ground. As it stood back up, Lydia stood before it.

She held the key up as she closed her eyes, and his eyes focused on it.

The moment Jackson gave Lydia the key flashed through his head, and he was human, scales on his face as his eyes became normal.
As he picked it up, Lydia watched him back up.

As Derek tried to get to his feet, he saw Peter with his claws extended.
Derek's eyes flashed red as as he stood, and Jackson closed his eyes.

Peter flung forward, and both Derek and Peter's claws broke through his skin. Elizabeth watched in shock, hearing Jackson choke.
As they let go, hr fell to the ground, and Lydia caught him.

Derek placed his hand on Isaac's shoulder as Jackson's eyes locked with Lydia's.

"Do.. Do you still.."
"I do." Lydia whispered. "I do still love you."

As his head fell onto her shoulder, the key dropped to the floor. Elizabeth inhaled as she looked at Scott, and he nodded.

The scales disappeared as she lay him down.

"Where's Gerard?" Allison asked.
"He can't be far."

Lydia stood to her feet.

All of their eyes fell on Jackson's hand as claws scraped against the ground. As Lydia turned around, Jackson's eyes opened, glowing blue.
As he stood, he let out a howl, and he was human.

Lydia wrapped her arms around him tightly.

At this point, Elizabeth didn't care she had her stitches from being shot. She dropped her rifle to the ground, walking towards Derek, who accepted her presence as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he pressed his lips to hers.

Scott held hands with Allison before the two girls pulled away, hugging Argent. Elizabeth could hear him sighing as he hugged them both tightly.

As she returned to Derek, she pressed her hands to his chest as his wound around her waist.
"Now what?" She asked.
Derek looked down at her.

"You graduate."

Mad Hunter ✿ Derek Hale Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora