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When Elizabeth walked into Stiles' room, she saw Derek, standing against the wall.

"Why are you here?" She asked.
"Because I love studying with Sophomores." He said, his tone not teasing at all.
"Right." She muttered, crossing her arms over her chest.

Stiles appeared, and sighed. "Alright -"

Derek moved the stand behind the door, and pulled Elizabeth to him.

As she heard Sheriff Stilinski and Stiles talking, she hadn't realized she was in front of Derek.


His head was against the wall, tilted back as she stood before him. Her back hit his chest, and she could feel him with every part of her body.
Her face felt hot as Derek closed his eyes, exhaling through his nose as he tried to control his body.

If she were to move, she'd make his control worse.

So as soon as Stiles' door closed, she moved out of the way; just in time as Derek pinned Stiles to the wall.
"If you say, one word."
"Like what, "Hey dad Derek Hale's in my room, bring your gun"."

Derek dropped a hand to his side.
"Yeah, that's right. It's my house, my rules, buddy." He said, smacking the side of his hand against his arm.

Derek nodded before adjusting Stiles' jacket, and Stiles chuckled.
Stiles did the same, but Derek's head snapped forward, causing Stiles to jump. "Oh -my god."

Elizabeth sighed as she sat on the end of Stiles' bed. "Tell Scott the necklace is in the book on her desk, I didn't take it because I didn't know if Kate was home."

"There's something else we can try."
"The night we were trapped in the school, Scott sent a text to Allison; asking her to meet him there."
"So?" Derek asked.
"So it wasn't Scott." He clarified.
"Can you find out who sent it?"
"Not me, but I think I know somebody who can."

"You want me to do what?" Danny asked.
"Trace a text." Stiles answered.
"I came here to do lab work, that's what lab partners do."
"And we will, if you trace the text!"

Elizabeth sighed, laying back on the bed. Her eyes drifted off to see Derek sitting in the chair, with a book in his hands.

"No, we're doing lab work." Danny argued.

As Danny sat beside Stiles, his eyes focused on Derek. "Who's he again?"
Stiles looked back at Derek. "Uh.. My cousin.. Miguel."
Elizabeth placed a hand over her mouth as she stifled a quiet laugh, and Derek lifted his head to stare at Stiles' back.

"Is that blood on his shirt?"
Elizabeth bit her lip.
"Yeah, yeah. Well he gets these horrible nose bleeds.

"Hey Miguel."
Derek looked at him.
"I thought I told you, you could borrow one of my shirts."

After sending him a death glare, Derek slammed the book shut, and stood to his feet.
Elizabeth's eyes met Derek's back as he lifted his shirt over his head, her eyes focusing on the ink on his back.

She looked back at Danny, who was watching Derek. And for an odd reason, she felt a binge of jealousy.

"Stiles," Derek said, holding one of the shirts up.
"This?" He said, holding up the small shirt. "No fit."
"Then try something else on."

As he turned back to the dresser, Elizabeth felt her heart racing inside of her chest as he examined the shirts with a disgusted look on his face.
"Sorry -"
Stiles stopped as he caught Danny looking at him.
"Hey, that one looks pretty good, what'd you think Danny?"
"The shirt."

Elizabeth hugged her knees to her chest as she tried hardly not to laugh, but she couldn't hold it in. Soft gasps left her lips as she laughed, watching Derek stare at the two.
"It's.. It's not really his color."
Once again, Derek lifted the shirt over his head, blessing Elizabeth's eyes.

"You swing at a different team but you still play ball, don't you, Danny boy?"
"You're a horrible person."
"I know, it keeps me awake at night. Anyway, about that text."

He turned to Derek as Elizabeth picked at her lip. "None of these fit."

Elizabeth stood to her feet and walked towards Derek as Danny told Scott what to do.
"Give me your shirt." She said.
Derek handed her his grey shirt, and she sighed.
"I can get the blood out, so you don't have to wear any of those God-awful shirts."

"Thanks for trashing my clothes."
"I could kick you in your groin along with Scott for trapping us in the school, remember that." She snapped, pushing Derek towards the door.

"I have to hurry, I have to get going to the game soon."
"Why are you going?" He asked, watching her pour different cleansers on the shirt.
"Um," She said, feeling embarrassed. "I have cheer."

He stared at her. "You cheer?"
"It's a distraction." She muttered.
"For what?"
"A lot of things." She answered, focused on the shirt.

Derek could hear her heart racing inside of her chest, and she looked up at him.
"Why do you seem so surprised?"
"You're the type to play with guns, not pom-poms."

She laughed, her teeth showing as she smiled. Derek stared at her face, the sound of her laugh like a musical to him.
"Here." She said, placing the shirt in his hands.

He pulled it on over his head, and she looked at him in shock at his next words.

"Thank you."

She nodded after a moment, and she exhaled. "You're welcome."

She walked away, and left to get to the school; leaving Derek in a trace of thought.

Shirtless Miguel XD

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