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So I've been writing the second book for this series, and I am honestly so excited!! There are plenty of more chapters for this book, but the next book is to be expected by January 2018! So excited! Better written and Liz and Derek will have their own story line!

Elizabeth wished she could sleep in bed all day as she woke up. The full moon was that night, and she was worried about Gerard going on a killing spree.
And, he was the school's new Principal.

So when she arrived to school, she walked with Allison and Lydia.
"You really don't remember anything about that night?" She asked.
"Walking around the woods naked for two days, that isn't really... not important."

Lydia just shrugged as she held her jacket. "But personally, I don't care. I lost nine pounds."
Allison and Elizabeth both chuckled.
"Are you ready for this?" Allison asked.
"Please, it's not like my aunt's a serial killer."
Elizabeth pursed her lips. "Touche."

Walking into the school, everyone's eyes landed on Lydia.
Allison leaned towards her. "Maybe it's the nine pounds."

Lydia flipped her hair before walking away, and Elizabeth grinned.

As Cheer went on, Elizabeth was doing stretches when she noticed the three officers walking onto the Lacrosse field.
"What's going on?" She asked.
"Apparently someone's father was murdered."
She stared at them, and saw a boy step forward.

After cheer, she ran to her locker, and grabbed her bag when she saw Scott running.
"Scott!" She shouted, running after him. She followed him outside, where a police car was being pulld away, with the boy in the back.
"Who was that?" She asked.
"I don't know."

They turned to walk back inside, but a car pulled up.
Elizabeth felt breathless as she looked at Derek.

"Both of you. Get in."
"Are you serious?" Scott asked. "You did that, that's your fault."
"What are you talking about?" Elizabeth asked.
"I know that, now get in the car, and help me."
"No, I have a better idea. I'm going to call a lawyer. Because a lawyer might have a chance digging him out before the moon comes up."
"Not when they do a realsearch of the house."

"What do you mean?"
"Whatever Jackson said to the cops, what's in the house is worse. A lot worse."

Elizabeth and Scott looked at each other, and she shrugged. She slung her bag over her shoulder as she walked towards the passengers seat after Scott said he'd sit in the back.

When they arrived to the home, it was already dark out. Scott and Elizabeth held a flash light as they followed Derek inside.
"If Isaac didn't kill his father then who did?"
"I don't know yet."
"Then how do you know he's telling the truth?" Elizabeth asked, flashing the light on the floorboards.
"Because I trust my senses, and it's a combination of them. Not just your sense of smell."

Scott looked away. "You saw my Lacrosse game today."
"Did it look that bad?"
Derek placed his hand on Scott's shoulder, making Elizabeth bite her lip as she chuckled. "Yeah."

Derek opened the basement door, and Elizabeth shined his light onto the steps so she could see.
"Ladies first." Scott said.
She scoffed before walking past Derek, and down the stairs.
Scott's eyes met Derek's, whose eyes took a second to meet his.

Derek rolled his eyes at Scott who smirked, pushing him towards the stairs.
"What am I looking for?"
"Follow your senses."

Elizabeth examined the broken items and objects thrown and tossed around the basement as Scott walked around.
Elizabeth noticed the marks on the walls, and she looked at them slowly, pressing her own finger nails to them.

Scott looked towards a large freezer, and Elizabeth stood straight.
She walked towards him, examining it. The chord was wrapped around it, and the rusted lock was left unlocked.

She cursed faintly as a bright light appeared next to her, revealing Derek. Scott stared at him for a second.
"Open it."
As he opened it, marks slashed the walls, covering every inch of it.

"This is why he said yes to you."
"Everyone wants power."
"If we help you, you have to stop. You can't just go around turning people into werewolves."
"I can if they're willing."
"Did you tell Isaac about the Argent's? About being hunted?"
"Yes, and he still asked."

"Than he's an idiot!"
"And you're the idiot dating Argent's daughter."
Scott looked at him.

"Yeah, I know your little secret."
"What about her, huh?" Scott asked as he pointed at Elizabeth.
"For the love of God, Scott." She muttered.
"Has she shot me or you a bunch of times?" Derek asked. "She saved our lives if you don't recall when your little girlfriend shot me with arrows."

Elizabeth lowered her head to the ground, her face heating. Although it was weird to hear, Derek was defending her.

"With me, you'll learn how to use all of your senses. With me you'll learn control."
Elizabeth watched as his claws appeared. "Even on a full moon."
"If I'm with you, I lose her."
"You're going to lose her anyway. You know that."

Elizabeth followed Derek up the stairs. She was getting tired, but she didn't let it show.
And she was cold. She only wore her cheer uniform, which she forgot she hadn't changed out of.

She followed the two to the car, sighing.
Not paying attention, she realized Derek had stopped walking, and she ran right into him. His hands grabbed her arms, and she sighed.

He stared at her. "Your grandfather - "
"I know." She interrupted. "I hate him as much as you do, and I don't blame Scott for not trusting me because of him."
"Who cares if Scott doesn't trust you, he's a child."
"So am I." She replied.

Derek's face grew closer from hers. "You're almost nineteen years old, you're already an adult."
She let out a shaky sigh, looking down at the ground as her heart started racing.
"Your heart's racing." He said.
"You make me nervous." She confessed.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" He asked.
"You tell me." She said, looking up at him again.

Derek pulled away as bright lights flashed onto the yard, and a jeep pulled up.
"Why is Stiles here?"
Derek looked at her. "We have a quick stop to make."

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