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I've posted three chapters today because I'm trying to wrap this story up. The second book is already finished, and I can't wait to share it with you guys ❤️

Mat pressed the gun to Stiles' back as he pushed him and Elizabeth into the office.
"Matt? Matt, right?"
He nodded.

"Matt, whatever is going on, I guarantee there's a solution that doesn't involve guns."
"You know it's funny you say that because I don't think you're aware of just how right you are."

Elizabeth swallowed as Stilinski went on. "I know you don't want to hurt people."
"Actually I want to hurt like, a lot of people. You four were on my list but I could be persuaded. And one way is by dialing someone on your cellphone like McCall is doing."

Scott pulled his hand out of his pocket. "That could definitely get someone hurt... Everyone."
Staring, Matt went on. "Now!"
Elizabeth pulled her phone out of her pocket, placing it on the desk. The others were next, and Matt nodded.

Elizabeth stood still as she felt the head of the gun between her shoulder blades. She watched as Stiles hand cuffed Stilinski, and Matt pushed the gun into her skin.
"Do what he says, Stiles." Stilinski said. Stiles exhaled before tightening them.

He pushed Elizabeth, Stiles and Scott out, making them walk down the hall.
Elizabeth's eyes widened as dead bodies lay in the hall, and Scott's jaw fell open.
"What are you going to kill everyone in here?" He asked.
"No, that's what Jackson's for."

Elizabeth and Stiles looked at each other.

She helped them both destroy every piece of evidence as Matt watched with a smile on his face. As she watched it shred apart, she rolled her eyes.
She screamed as Matt grabbed her wrist, placing her fingers inside of the shredder. He pulled them out a second later, and she felt tears in her eyes as she watched her fingers begin to gush blood.

"Next time you roll your eyes, they'll be off."
She cradled her hand to her chest as the other shakily took papers, continuing to shred them for him.
"There, deleted. We're done. We're good here, right? Just get my dad and we'll go, you can continue on the whole vengeance thing with the Kanima."

They looked towards the window as lights flashed, indicating a car had pulled in.
"Sounds like your mom is here, McCall." Matt said.
"Matt, don't do this."

Elizabeth's head snapped to the side as the door of the station opened.
"If you don't move now, I'm going to kill Stiles first."
Elizabeth's breathing hitched as he pressed the gun to her temple. "Or her... And then your mom."

Getting to the door, Matt continued to hold the gun to Elizabeth's back as her hand burned against her chest. "Open it."
"Open. The. Door."

As he opened the door, Elizabeth sighed as Derek stood there.
"Thank god."
Elizabeth's eyes widened as he fell forward, hitting the floor. Jackson stood there, and Matt smiled.

As they stared down at Derek, Matt moved to hover over him.
"This is the one controlling him?" Derek asked. "This kid?"
"Well, Derek. Not everyone was lucky enough to be a big bad werewolf. Oh yeah, that's right! I've learned a few things lately. Werewolves, hunters, Kanima's, like a Halloween party on every full moon."

Derek's eyes met Elizabeth's as she looked down at him. As Matt continued to talk, she moved her non-crippled hand over her hip, and he saw it.

Her gun.

"Except for Stiles. What do you turn into?"
"Abominable Snowman, but uh, it's more of the winter type of thing. You know, seasonal."
Elizabeth gasped as the Kanima slashed its nails across Stiles' neck.
"Bi-itch." he fell to the floor; on top of Derek.

"Get him off of me." Derek said through gritted teeth."
"I don't know, Derek. I think you two make a pretty good pair."
"Just let me move him." Elizabeth snapped.

Matt looked at her. "Wait just a second."
She swallowed as Matt examined her closely. "Hold that thought.."
Derek looked at her. "You two are a thing."
Elizabeth said nothing as he grinned. "That explains a lot. The fact that you constantly look at him like a little puppy."

She felt her heart race.
"There's a better word, actually. His little bitch."

Elizabeth drew her gun, pointing it at Matt. She pulled the trigger, but she felt claws across her neck.
She gasped as she fell to her knees, her gun falling. She lay beside Derek, her body becoming numb.

"It must kind of suck though, having all of that power taken away from you with a little cut to the back of the neck. I bet you're not used to feeling this helpless."
"I got some teeth. Why don't you lean down a little closer, huh? See how helpless I am."
"Yeah, bitch." Stiles said.

Elizabeth stared at Scott as lights appeared.
"Is that her?" Matt asked.
"Do what I tell you and I won't hurt her." Matt said. "I won't even let Jackson near her."
"Scott, don't trust him."
Matt grabbed the back of Stiles' shirt, rolling him over as he pressed his foot into his throat.

"Scott." Elizabeth said.
"Okay, just stop!"
"Then do what I tell you to do!"

Stiles' face grew red as Scott agreed. "Alright! Stop!"
As he let go, Stiles choked, and gasped for air.

"You, with me."

Elizabeth let out a shaky breath as she lay there. Derek said nothing beside her as they waited for what was yet to come.

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