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Elizabeth was sprawled across her bed with open school books, focusing on her notes as she studied for a test. She held a highlighter between her teeth as she flipped the page.

Elizabeth looked up, seeing Allison standing in the doorway.
"I need your help." She said.
"With what?"

"I need to sneak out." She answered.
Elizabeth snorted. "You're on your own."
"Come on, please? I'm going on a group date with Scott, Lydia and Jackson."

Elizabeth stood to her feet, adjusting her risen shirt. "Look, you know I don't mind Scott. But I don't really care for Jackson, and Lydia... is Lydia."
"Please? Come on, Elizabeth. Haven't you had a boyfriend before?"

Elizabeth bit her lip and Allison sighed.
"Sorry, I forgot."
"I don't care, just go. I'll make sure dad doesn't see you." She muttered.

Allison kissed her sisters cheek before running to her room, and climbing out the window as Elizabeth ran down the stairs.

Elizabeth found her father in the kitchen as she placed her hands on the counter. "What're you doing?"
"Checking in, Kate's supposed to be here soon." He said.

"Yay," She muttered.
Argent looked at her. "I know she isn't your favorite person, but act like you enjoy her being here."
"I make no promises." She said, walking towards the stairs.


Elizabeth was almost asleep when she heard someone walking up the stairs. She crawled out of bed before grabbing her bat, and walking towards the door.

She jumped as Allison gasped, and she sighed of relief.
"You could've killed me!" She hissed.
"And you could've been a murderer." Elizabeth snapped. "Go to bed."

Allison sighed as she walked into her room, and she closed the door.

Elizabeth set the bat back in her closet, and crawled back into her bed. She lay there for a moment and stared at the ceiling, thinking about multiple things.

Another noise caught her attention, and she ran out of her room. Her and Allison looked over the railing to see their father.

"What's wrong?" Elizabeth asked.
"Nothing, Kate's here, I'm going to pick her up."
"It's two in the morning, is everything alright?" Allison asked.

"Just some car trouble, go back to bed." He said in a soft tone. He glanced at Elizabeth and nodded.
Elizabeth sighed before walking back onto her room.

She looked out her window as Argent pulled out of the driveway, and she sat back. Something had happened, and she began to worry.

She lay back in bed, and pulled the covers over her shivering body. She let out a sigh as she closed her eyes, falling back asleep.

At the edge of the woods just before the street, a figure stood. His ears focused, listening to the sound of Elizabeth's heart beat.

His eyes scanned the streets, and back at the house. His hands were stuffed inside of his leather jacket, and his jaw was clenched.

He picked up Elizabeth's scent, the smell of lilac, and a faint smell of vanilla. His nostrils flared slightly as he smelled the air; letting out a breath.

Little did the Argent's like Derek Hale. Not that they knew him personally.

At least Elizabeth didn't.

Derek Hale continued to stand there as if he needed to. As if it was going to solve something.

His eyes focused on the window on the second floor, seeing the skinny figure walking by the window. Minutes later, she walked back to her bed.

Derek waited until Elizabeth fell asleep to turn around in the soft crass, and he disappeared into the woods, and to his house.

Gif is Elizabeth's reaction to Allison's comment about boyfriends :o
You'll find out some in this story, and more of Elizabeth's past in the next book :)

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