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Stiles stood to his feet and looked out the top of the door window, looking at the pair of priers outside.

"Yes." Stiles said.

As he stepped outside, Elizabeth loaded her gun and waited at the door. Her heart raced inside of her chest as he crouched down to grab the tool.

Scott and Elizabeth's eyes widened as the Alpha appeared from in between the two vehicles.
"Stiles, run!" Elizabeth screamed, watching the red eyes beginning to near closer.

After half-way falling inside of the building, he placed the large like pliers into the door, jamming it.
"Where is it?" Scott asked as they looked out the window again. Stiles picked up the flashlight, looking.

Backing up from the door, Scott looked at Stiles.
"That won't hold, will it?"
"Probably not."

Elizabeth turned to stare down the long and dark hallway, listening to the sound of heavy breathing from the three.

A loud howl caused Elizabeth to hold her gun high, and she gripped it tightly.
"They ran through a classroom, and gripped the edges of a teacher's desk.
"Stop!" Stiles hissed.
"The door's not going to keep it out, it's your boss."
"Deaton? The Alpha? Your boss!"
"Yes! Murdering psycho werewolf!"

"Stop jumping to accusations and move the damn desk!" Elizabeth said, causing Stiles to glance at Scott.
"Oh come on, he disappears and that thing shows up to throw Derek twenty-feet in the air? That's not convenient timing."
"It's not him!"
"He killed Derek!"

"Derek's not dead he-he can't be!"
"Blood squirted out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't qualify as a minor injury. He's dead, and we're next."

Elizabeth was tempted to hold the gun to Stiles.

"What do we do?"
"We get to my jeep, and we get out of here."
"How stupid are you?" Elizabeth asked. "He's out there, and possibly already in the school, Stiles."

They walked towards the windows, and Stiles stopped Scott. "Don't open it, school's locking control."
"Then we break it."
"It'll make too much noise." Elizabeth interrupted.

Scott eyed Stiles' jeep. "Stiles, what's wrong with the hood of your jeep?"
"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong."
"It's bent!"
"You mean dented?" He asked, looking out the window again.

"What the hell -"

The three fell to the floor as the window shattered, a large object sliding across the floor. Elizabeth lifted her head and ignored the shards of glass in her arms.

"That's my battery." Stiles said.
"Don't!" Scott hissed as he tried to stand.
"We have to move."
"He could be outside!"
"He is outside!"

Scott sighed. "Just let me take a look."

Elizabeth picked up her gun she had dropped, and held it up as Scott stood. Her eyes moved down to her arm again, seeing blood on her skin.
"Are you okay?" Stiles asked.
"I will be when he's dead."

As they disappeared down the hallway, Elizabeth never left her position of holding the gun. She'd circle around, aiming it directly.
"This way."
"No! Some of those rooms have windows."
"Every single room in this building has windows!"
"Something with less windows."

"The locker room!"
They nodded before hurrying down the hall, and Elizabeth followed.

As they entered the locker room, Scott turned to Stiles. "Call your dad."
"No." Elizabeth spoke. "It's too dangerous to call him."
"What if it goes completely terminator and kills every cop in sight? Including my dad?" Stiles asked, nodding at Elizabeth's statement.

"They have guns."

Elizabeth grabbed Scott by his shirt, and his eyes widened.
"I'm personally not a fan of Canine's and neither should you, wolf boy." She spat. "Regular weaponry isn't going to do anything to that beast. If they all arrive and get killed, their blood is on our hands!"

Stiles grabbed Elizabeth's arm, pulling her away from Scott. "Take it easy!"
"We have to find a way out - just run for it."
"There's nothing around the school than at least a mile."
"What about Derek's car?"

Elizabeth glared at him as Stiles' brows rose. "That could work."
"You've got to be kidding me!" Elizabeth snapped. "Are you serious? You're asking for your own suicides!"
"Go outside, get the keys off his butt and then we take his car."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and crossed her arms angrily.
"And him." Scott mentioned.
"What knight and shining armor." She muttered.

As they walked towards the door, Scott gripped Stiles' wrist before he could open it.
"Think I heard something." He whispered.
"SH!" Scott and Elizabeth hissed.

They backed away from the door, and Elizabeth held up her gun again.


Elizabeth looked around the boys locker room, and opened one of the lockers. She shoved her slim body into it, closing the door.

Her breathing hitched as the door opened, and she could hear walking.
She heard screaming, and she jumped out of the locker to see the Janitor almost falling.
"Quiet my ass what the hell are you trying to do, kill me?" He asked.

"All of you get out."
"Wait just listen for a split second -"
"Get the hell out of here right now!" He shouted, pushing them out of the locker room.
"Give us one second to explain!" Stiles said.

"Shut up and go - AH!"

The three jumped back as the door closed, and blood was splattered across the fogged window.

And they ran for it.

Gif is Elizabeth disagreeing with Scott and Stiles' plan

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