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Argent demanded that he would drive Elizabeth and Allison to school.

So when he pulled into the parking lot, Elizabeth groaned as he locked the door.

"Kate, what's your opinion on home school?"
"Are you kidding me?" Elizabeth snapped.
"Well, you know I'm more of a learning my doing kind of girl."

Allison stepped in. "What's your opinion on over protective dads who keep ruining their daughter's lives?"
Kate leaned across the seat, and unlocked the car. Argent stared at her as she grinned, causing Elizabeth to roll her eyes.

Elizabeth and Allison walked around the school with Lydia as she listened to them talking about Scott.
She thought back to him blaming Derek, and now Derek was missing.
If he wasn't dead.

Elizabeth was at her locker when she watched Scott run out of his classroom, and down the hall. Stiles eventually appeared, and she rose a brow.
"What's going on?"
"I don't know." He said, picking up Scott's bag.

As Stiles called him, they stopped as a ringing occurred. They hurried around the corner, and into the boys locker room.

Elizabeth swallowed as they walked around, and towards the shower that was running. Once they turned the corner, they saw Scott; facing the wall.

"Stiles. I can't -"
"What's happening are you changing?"
"No, I can't breathe."

Stiles rummaged a hand through Scott's bag, and pulled out his inhaler as Elizabeth leaned against the wall. She watched as he inhaled, sighing.
"I was having an asthma attack?"
"No, you were having a panic attack. But thinking you were having an asthma attack actually stopped the panic attack... Irony."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "While you boys talk about this, I'll be leaving."

She hurried out of the locker room, and headed towards her class.

That evening, Elizabeth lay on her bed and looked through scattered papers when her phone rang.

She held it to her ear. "Stiles?"

"I need your help." He breathed. "Scott got loose, and he's changing."
Elizabeth stood from her bed, and looked out the window and gazed at the full moon. "Why should I help him?"
"Because I don't know what he's capable of doing." Stiles said. "For the love of - Elizabeth, just help me."

She sighed. "I'll meet you in the woods in fifteen minutes."
She hung up, and pulled on a pair of jeans. She lifted her gun, placing it on her hip, and her knife on the inside of her boot.

She felt her heart racing as she got into her car, and drove. Her fingers drummed against the wheel nervously until she pulled onto the side of the road.

Stiles' jeep appeared not even ten minutes later, and he climbed out.

"I don't know if he's out here or not."
"Then I guess we'll have to look." She said, holding her flashlight up. She walked forward, the leaves under her combat boots crunching.

Stiles stopped as he heard the radio go off in the jeep.
"I have to go." He said, running back. Elizabeth sighed and continued on her own.

"Scott?" She called out, flashing the light around her. She let out a shaky breath as she went farther.
"Scott, it's the full moon." She said. "It's not you."

She looked towards the east as she heard the sound of growling. She ran in that direction, and hid behind one of the trees.

Two figures fought each other as they growled and snarled, causing her to place a hand over her mouth. She pressed her back to the tree, and tried to steady her breathing.
She could see the faces of werewolves as the tallest threw the other into the trees. She swallowed hardly, wanting to scream.

As it grew quiet, she pulled her gun from the side of her jeans, holding it in front of her.

A figure leaped before her, and she screamed. A hand clamped over her mouth, and she stopped as her eyes met green globes.

Derek stared at her as she felt tears form in her eyes. He frowned only slightly as he could sense how afraid she was.
He looked down at her gun, pulling it out of her hand slowly. She didn't move as he took his hand away from her mouth.

She tried to swing her arm to hit him, but he caught her hand with his own.
"What are you doing?" He asked in a low tone.
"I thought you were dead." She said, on the verge of crying.

His hands rested on the tree at her sides as she breathed heavily.
"It's a full moon, you shouldn't be out here."
"I came for Scott."
"Scott about attacked Jackson and your sister."

She blinked as she stared at him, still not registering anything; Derek was alive. He was standing right before her.

Really close.

"I though you were dead." She croaked, watching as his face softened.
"I'm not dead." He clarified, his tone gentle now.

Derek watched her lips part as he lifted her shirt, and moving her jeans enough to place her gun in the hip, allowing the head to rest against her thigh. She swallowed, still breathing heavy.
"Come with me." He demanded.

She followed him out to where Scott lay, and he helped him to his feet.

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