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Elizabeth ran towards him as she pushed him back, watching the thing fall to the floor. Derek growled as Erica was thrown into the wall.

"Run!" Derek yelled, pushing Elizabeth towards Stiles.

"Derek, your neck!" Elizabeth said.

He placed his hand to the back of his neck, and he began to fall. Elizabeth's eyes widened as Stiles grabbed him. "Where is it, do you see it?"

Elizabeth looked around as she helped Stiles, Derek's arm draped over her shoulder. "Call Scott!"
Stiles dropped his phone onto the ground. As he went to grab it, he let go of Derek, and he fell into the pool.

Elizabeth stared at him before diving into the pool, her arms wrapping around him.
Stiles was next, holding Derek in front of him as Elizabeth kicked her legs. She draped Derek's arm over her shoulder after pushing her hair out of her face.

"Do you see it?" Stiles asked.
"I don't know, I'm kind of busy trying to hold him up after you dropped him." Elizabeth snapped.
"Maybe it took off."

A loud screech caused them to look around.
"Maybe not."
"You get me out of here before I drown?" Derek said, spitting water out of his mouth.
"You're worried about drowning?" Stiles asked. "Did you notice the thing out there with rows of razor sharp teeth?"
"Have you noticed I'm paralyzed from the neck down in eight feet of water?" Derek growled.

Stiles swam towards the edge, Elizabeth holding Derek almost completely. "Wait, wait stop!" He shouted.
It crawled across the cement and hissed as it circled the pool.
"What's it waiting for?" Stiles asked.

As it placed its hand into the water, it hissed and pulled away.
"Did you see that? I don't think it can swim."

After minutes of holding Derek, Stiles breathed. "I don't think I can do this much longer."
"Stiles I swear to God." Elizabeth breathed as she continued to kick her feet. Derek was barely above water as he breathed heavily.
As Stiles started for the phone again, Elizabeth shook her head and Derek shouted. "Don't even think about it."

"Can you just trust me this once?"
"I'm the one keeping you alive okay, you notice that?"
"Yeah, and when the paralysis wears off, who's going to be able to fight that thing you or me?"
Elizabeth paused. "My gun."
"What?" Derek asked.

She pulled the gun from her hip, and shook the water off of it. "If I shoot it it might go away."
"Or it will get really pissed off at us and get in the water and take the chance of drowning." Stiles argued.

"It's better than your plan of getting him killed." She said, trying to shift Derek onto her side; trying to ignore the fact Derek's hand was hovering over her chest.
"That's why I've been holding you up for the past two hours?"
"You don't trust me, I don't trust you. And you need me to survive which is why you aren't letting me go."

Elizabeth gasped as Stiles shoved him under water, and she watched as he swam towards his phone. She looked down to see Derek at the bottom of the pool.

Ignoring the aching pain throbbing inside of her head, she gasped before diving under, and swimming towards him. She grabbed his hands and pulled him as much as she could. Although it took every ounce of strength in her to pull him upward, she gasped as her and Derek made it to the surface.

"I'm going to kill you when I have enough energy." She breathed, her arms wound around him. She pressed her face to his back as he coughed.
"Tell me Stiles got him." He breathed.
She didn't say anything as she struggled to keep herself up, swallowing things of water. She let out a cough as Stiles sighed.

After another long few minutes, Stiles was gasping for air. "I can't stay up any longer. I need something to hold onto."
Elizabeth looked around, and spotted the bars on the bottom of the smaller diving boards.
"Over there." She said, her arms still around Derek. She was barely holding on as her chest began to feel heavier, and she tried to swim with them.

As her and Stiles reached for the handle, they slipped, falling under the water.

Elizabeth had no air left in her to breathe as she felt herself falling.

Stiles and Derek were thrown out of the pool, and Elizabeth could hear a loud roaring.
But she couldn't do anything. Her heart was beating slowly as she felt her back hit the floor of the pool, and all she was worried about was Derek.

"Where's Elizabeth?" Derek gasped as he panted for air, still laying on the floor.
As he felt his hands move, he no longer felt numb.

Standing, he looked around, seeing her body at the bottom of the pool.

Derek dove into the water, swimming to her.

Derek's hands grabbed Elizabeth's arms, and he wound an arm around her waist as he used the other to paddle himself to the surface. He climbed out of the water, laying her on the floor.

He hovered over her as he held her face. "Elizabeth, wake up."

He panted as he pressed his hands to her chest, pushing. As he couldn't hear her breathing as he parted her lips, blowing air down her throat.

Pushing again, he sighed as Elizabeth choked, water falling from her lips. She began to tremble as Derek wrapped his arms around her, and she coughed.

She fisted his shirt as she used him for warmth. "Son of a bitch."
He sighed again, knowing it was her.

Derek lifted her into his arms as she fell asleep, leaving. Scott and Stiles just watched him as Erica followed him.

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