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Elizabeth felt her nerves building onto each other as she and Allison walked towards the field, where other girls waited. The large sign on the bleachers made her inhale nervously.

Beacon Hills Cheerleading.

"I hate you for this." Allison said as her and Elizabeth sat on the bleacher.
"Stop complaining." Elizabeth muttered.

They stood when everyone lined up, following the woman's moves. Allison sent Elizabeth a glare, causing her to grin.

Elizabeth used to play softball, so she knew most of the warm ups. The routines were easy to catch on to, and Allison soon caught up.

Elizabeth pushed her hair off of her shoulders as they finished, and turned to Allison.
"Told you it isn't that bad." She said.
"I can't feel my legs." Allison argued.

"You should've played softball when I did, your arms and legs are weak."
"I was too young!"

They walked towards the bleachers, and sat down. Elizabeth drank her water bottle completely.

"So, how are you and Scott?" Elizabeth asked.
She looked at her sister. "Fine... Why?"
"Just wondering, I know the lacrosse game is coming up, are you going?"
"Yeah, we're on the cheer team, remember?"

She chuckled. "Right, fair enough."
Allison smiled.

Elizabeth made her way to the girls locker room, and she walked past a few of the sophomores on the team. She opened her locker, only to stop as she heard them.

"The two new sisters, I don't see them standing a chance, they look fragile."
Elizabeth slammed her locker shut, and she looked at them. "I can show you just how fragile I am."
"Oh really?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest. Her brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail, revealing her cleavage.

"I can take you down faster than you can cover your damn chest." She snapped.
The girl stepped forward, and stormed towards her. Elizabeth moved to the side as the girl swung her fist, and she laughed.
"Come on, sweetheart. You fight like a child."

She tackled Elizabeth, and rolled across the floor. Elizabeth got onto her feet, gripping the girls hair in her hands. She screamed as she pushed her into the lockers, and onto the floor.

The two's brawl stumbled out into the empty hallways, and nobody was around.

At least they thought.

The girl struggled to defend herself as Elizabeth yanked at her hair, and twisted her arms behind her back as strong arms wound around Elizabeth's waist, pulling her back without hesitation.
"Let me go!" She shouted, trying to hit the persons arms. Once she was pulled away from the girl, she turned around to see Derek standing before her.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked.
"Trying to show these idiot sophomores how strong I am." She snapped, pulling away from Derek's hold. "Why are you here?"
"I'm trying to find Scott." He answered.

"For what?" She asked as he began to walk away.
"Don't worry about it."
"I know what you are, Derek. Tell me."
"I don't care that you know what I am."
"But you should since I can tell my father easily."

Derek came to a halt, and his eyes met hers. She swallowed as he grinned faintly.
"Coming from the one who told me just days ago that I could trust her."
Elizabeth sighed. "Just tell me why you're looking for Scott."

Derek ignored her as he turned around, disappearing down the hallway. She sighed and stomped her foot.

As she turned around to walk away, she spotted the girls' friends with a teacher, pointing directly at her.
"Crap." She sighed.

And of course it was Finstock.

"Argent! The hell were you trying to do, take her head off? Detention!"
She rolled her eyes before picking up her bag that lay on the floor, pushing past all of them.

She knew Scott and Derek were hiding something from her.

And she was going to figure it out.

Gif is Elizabeth about to kick some Sophomore butt XD

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