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Elizabeth was picking up a few groceries for her father when she saw bright red and blue lights flashing yards down the street. She creased a brow before pulling into the small block, seeing Jackson Whittemore, and Sheriff Stilinski talking as Stiles sat in the car.

She got out of her car, and walked towards them. "What's going on?"
"He's claiming it was an animal attack." Sheriff explained. "Why are you here?"
"Why the hell can't I just go home?" Jackson snapped.
"I hear you, but the AMT said you hit your head pretty hard."
"What part of I'm fine are you not grasping?"

"Calm down, Jackson." Elizabeth interrupted.
"Why are you even here?" Jackson asked. "Go mess around with someone."
Elizabeth stepped forward, and Jackson looked at her in surprise.
"I've already taken out a Sophomore for underestimating my strength yesterday, I suggest you watch yourself before I take you out, too."

"Oh woah is that a dead body?" Stiles shouted. Elizabeth's head snapped to the side as an arm hung loosely from a gurney.
He turned away innocently as Sheriff glared at him.
"Everyone back up."

As everyone stepped back, nobody seemed to notice the two crouched figures of Scott and Derek on the roof, looking down at the scene.

And Derek couldn't help but react to how confident Elizabeth was.

"Starting to get it?" Derek asked.
"I-I get that he's killing people but I don't get why."
"Why is he a killer?"

Derek turned. "That's what we're going to find out."

And as they walked off to get off of the roof, the bright glow of a spiral appeared.

Elizabeth knew the risk she was taking as she walked onto the Hale property, growing closer to the home. She could see the vehicle in front of the house as she carefully and quietly walked up the porch.

"You know I have a life," She heard Scott say.
"No you don't." Derek replied.
"Yes I do! I don't what you say about making me his pet or - "
"A part of his pack." Derek said.
"Whatever. I have homework to do, I have to go to a parent teacher conference tomorrow, because I'm failing Chemistry!"

"You wanna do homework?" Derek asked. "Or do you wanna.. not die?"
"You have less than a week til' the full moon, you don't kill with him, he kills you."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

"So if I help you, you can stop him?" Scott asked.
"Not alone." Derek answered. "We're strong in numbers. The pack makes the individual more powerful."

Elizabeth's head ached.

"How am I supposed to help if I have no idea what I'm doing?"
"I'm gonna teach you!" Derek said. "Do you know what happened that night you were shot in the arm? Right after you were hit?"
"Yeah, I changed back."
"And when you were hit by his car, same thing - right?"
"What's the common denominator?"

Elizabeth jumped back as Scott began to scream and growl in pain.
"It'll heal." She heard Derek say.
"It still hurts!" He yelled.
"That's what keeps you human." Derek told him. "Pain."

Scott growled, and Elizabeth swore she heard bones crack.
"Maybe you will survive."

Scott disappeared off of the property minutes later, and Elizabeth sighed.
As she tried to move, she heard leaves crunching.

She screamed as hands grabbed her arms, pulling her back. As her back hit the ground with a huff leaving her lips, she looked up to see Derek hovering over her.

"It's rude to eavesdrop." He told her as she panted for breath.
"I know you're keeping something from me." She said as her eyes scanned his face. They went from his eyes and fell down to his lips, back to his eyes.

"Go home, Elizabeth." He demanded.
"No." She said sharply.

Derek exhaled through his nose. "Fine. Do you really want to know?"
"Yes." She answered.
"The animal attacks are caused by an Alpha werewolf."
"Who's the Alpha?" She asked.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out."
"You can't keep hiding stuff from me."
"I hide stuff from you because I don't know if I can trust you."

"Would I be coming back desperate if I was the bad guy? I want to help, Derek."

Derek stood to his feet, and extended his hand out for her to take. She grabbed it, and he lifted her to her feet in a flash.

"Go home, I'll stay in touch with Scott."

She stared at him for a long moment, wondering why he was so cold towards everyone.
She bit her quivering lip, and pushed her hair behind her ear as she walked towards her cars that sat in between the trees of the woods.

Gif is Elizabeth listening to Scott and Derek like the sneak she is lmao

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