Chapter six

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I kissed Germany once.

It was a long time ago, at Big Brother's and England's annual Christmas party!

It was around three years ago I think, and I rumour went around afterwards that we were dating.

That of course, wasn't the case.

Germany never talked about it with me, and sometimes I wonder if he thinks about it from time to time!

I know I do.

It was a quick kiss, and it was under a mistletoe, so I don't think it would have counted.

If it was under a pasta mistletoe, then that would be a different story.

I blinked out of my daydream and looked around.

We arrived to Germany's house.

I gulped and Prussia took the bags out of the car.

"~Kesesesese! Have fun Italy. Tell Vest I said hi." He said as he turned back to the car.

I waved back to him and walked down the stone path that lead to Germany's door.

Prussia told me that his door was unlocked, so I gingerly opened it and walked inside happily.


I was met with silence.

I flipped on some lights and walked into the living room.

I put my bags down and started the search for Germany.

But before I did, I fed Germouser and ItaCat.

I then searched the rooms and remembered something about how Germany stayed in his study all day.

I headed there and knocked.

No answer.

I tried to open the door but it was locked.

I then heard a gruff voice coming from inside the room.

"Go avay. I'm busy." He mumbled.

I called back, "Germany? It's-a me Italy! Are you okay?" I asked.


I waited and sighed, I turned as went to put my luggage in the spare room when I heard his voice one more.

"I'm fine. Vhat are you doing here Italia?" He asked through the door.

He still didn't open the door, but at least he answered my question!


"I-a wanted to make sure you were okay!" I said happily.

I heard him sigh and replied.

"Fine. You can stay, just leave me alone." He muttered.

I grinned and skipped down the hall merrily to my room.


I made pasta that evening and waited.

He didn't show.

I sighed but ate the pasta anyways, and cleaned up quickly.

I walked upstairs to see if he was hungry and held his plate securely.

I knocked on the door and waited once more.

I checked my watch to see it was only six.

"~Ve? Germany! You're pasta is-a ready!" I called out.

No answer.

I knocked again, and still had no response.

"Okay! I'll-a just leave it here then?" I asked setting the plate by the door.

He didn't answer.

I sighed and walked away sad.

I scuffled behind a chest in the hallway and waited.

He only opened he door a crack, and stuck his hand out, and grabbed the plate quickly before slamming the door tightly shut.

I giggled and smiled to myself.

I headed to my room and unpacked my things.

I stuck the clothes I had in the drawers and then called Zoe's phone.

I waited and waited, but then her answering machine picked up, and I left a quick message telling her that I'll be back soon.

But, of course, that wasn't the case.


I walked out of my room a little while later and headed to the living room to watch some T.V.

I turned it on and I happily watched an Italian soap opera that was on.

As I watched, I began to grow tired, and my eyes drooped.

I laid on the couch and closed my eyes.

I remember I had opened my eyes for one moment and saw someone carrying me from the couch.

I closed my eyes and felt as Germany carried me from the couch back to my bedroom.

He laid me down on the bed gently and out the blanket over me protectively and paused.

I panicked inside for a moment because I thought he knew I was awake, but all he did was lean down and kiss my forehead.

"Guten Nacht Italia." He murmured and I heard him step away and leave the room.

He closed the door behind him and I heard him walk down the hallway back to his study.

I smiled, "Buonanotte Germania." I whispered and closed my eyes, and gently fell asleep.

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