Chapter four

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Afterwards, we headed to her hotel to pick up her classmates.

"There's only about five of them actually, we were chosen since we got good grades, so yeah." She said as she drove through the busy streets.

I nodded, "I-a see! Well I'm-a glad you were chosen!" I said smiling and she smiled back.


We arrived around four, and she headed up to the hotel to pick up her friends.

I waited in the car and took out my phone, and I was amazed to find a missed call from Germany.

I quickly called him.

He picked up the phone on the second ring,


"~Ve! Ciao Germany, I see you-a called me?" I asked.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a minute,

"Ja, I did."

"Is-a there something wrong?" aisle concerned.

He sighed, "Nein. Not anymore. I need to go, Auf Wiedersehen Italy." He said as he hung up quickly.

I looked at the phone in confusion and shrugged, I closed it and looked out the window to see Zoe and her friends waving at me.

I got out of the car and closed the door, and walked over to them happily.


We had a terrific time! We laughed and made Pizza, and had a food fight at some point, which was also funny!

It was almost nine when I realized I had to go home in case anyone has called me.

"Aww! Okay, thanks for helping me Feli!" Zoe said as she kissed my cheek. I chuckled and shook hands with everyone, and left.
I went to take a cab when I left the marketplace, and watched the buildings and lights as the driver drove past the houses.

Once I arrived, I paid the driver and I headed up to my porch smiling to myself. I checked my messages once I got inside, and was surprised to find a message! I only had one, and it was from Prussia, who sounded urgent.

"~Kesesesese! Hallo Italy, it's me, zhe awesome Prussia! Anyvays, I needed to call about Germany, he's unawesomely depressed about me, und everyone should be, but he won't come out of his study." He said with a sad tone.

"Anyvays, call zhe house phone once you get zhis awesome message." He said as he hung up.

I checked and it was from an hour ago, so I called back on his house phone.

"H-Hello?" Someone asked quietly.

"~Ve! Oh! I'm-a sorry, I must-a got the wrong number!" I said as I was about to hang up.

"N-No! Are you c-calling for Prussia?" He asked quietly.

"Oh! Yes! It's-a Italy!" I said happily.

"Oh! H-Hello Italy, one moment, I-I'll call him. Honey?" I heard him call back.

"Ja Birdie?" I heard Prussia say.

"Italy's on the phone here." He said and I noticed he didn't stutter.

I also noticed I didn't know his name, and I gulped.

"Oh! ~Kesesesese okay, I'm coming!" I heard as the phone was being passed by and Prussia was on the phone.


"Ciao! It's-a Italy!" I said happily.

"Ah! Italy! Hallo, so you got my awesome message then?" He asked.

I nodded and said a quick yes.

"Guten! So can you make it to Germany zhen?, I know you of all people could cheer him up." He said.

I smiled, "~Ve! Of-a course! I'll leave on Sunda-"

"Nein, you need to come sooner. It's very important. Can you make it tomorrow?" He asked.

"Uh...but tomorrow's-a Saturday."

"Ja? So?" He said confused.

I shook my head, "It's-a no problem! I'll be there." I said.

"Awesome! Not as much as me, anyvays, Auf Wiedersehen Italy." He said as he hung up quickly.

I smiled and pressed end, I then dialed Zoe's number and left a message on her answering machine to say I wasn't going to be there for our dinner date. Which wasn't a date! Just a dinner between friends...
I hung up the phone and packed up for my trip to Germany.

I really hope he's okay. To tell you the truth, he's even better than Pasta. Wait! Wait, I don't know if I mean that. Pasta is delicious!

Well.....I'm sure Germany would be just as good....Oh! I'm just rambling now, I apologize!
Oh us Italians and Pasta! ~Ve! Anyways!

I had to pack again, and buy another ticket to another country, but I didn't care, as long as I see Germany smile again. Well, I guess I'm quite the corny one huh? I was raised by Grandpa Rome! So of course I would be-a like this! And my big-a brother is France.
So but of course.

I packed lightly, in case I would only need to be in Germany for a little while, and made sure I had everything before setting my suitcases by the door. I packed my passport and my secret supply of pasta noodles and yawned as I put on my PJ's afterwards,

Tomorrow was going to be a long day.


As I was falling asleep, a thought occurred to me when I realized I didn't get my car yet from the street! I laughed and left the house happily as I made my way back to the now dark and empty marketplace to pick up my car.

I had decided to walk and I felt safe walking through my city.

Well, one of them at least.

My country was big, but not as big as the many countries surrounding mine.

I walked down the street and past by a few lovers taking a stroll in the moonlight and I became sad.

I missed Germany, a lot.

I found my car and took out my car it's and got inside.

Oh yes, tomorrow is going to be a long day.

I just hope Doitsu is okay.

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