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The two men walked down the street hand-in-hand the day they went to visit the blonde man's brother.
The happy-go-lucky man could hardly contain his excitement, while the seemingly tough looking-man was smiling.
He gripped his lover's hand gently, and they walked up to the porch.

The blonde man knocked on the door, and it was opened by a quiet blonde man, with an odd curl sticking out of his hair, resembling the happy man's curl beside the blonde man.

"I-Italy! G-Germany! I'm so glad you both can make it." Canada said in a quiet yet more louder voice than he ever had before.

Germany smiled and Italy hugged Canada happily.
Canada chuckled and Italy pulled back.
Italy grabbed Germany's hand and pulled him, (which still tended to make him blush), inside the house and an albino was grinning at them, holding a bundle in his arms.

Italy tip-toed and looked at the small baby in Prussia's arms.
The baby's eyes were violet, but her tuffs of hair looked blondish-white.
Italy stroked her cheek gently and she roused, yet did not cry.

"I guess little Madeline recognizes her uncle." Prussia said softly.

Italy kissed her forehead and Germany came over.
Madeline seemed to smile, and reached out for Germany.
Prussia handed over Madeline carefully to Germany, and he carefully took her in his strong arms.

"Hallo Madeline. It is very nice to meet you." Germany said smiling softly at her, to which she just yawned and fell asleep.

Germany chuckled quietly, and Italy giggled.
Canada came over and smiled.

"W-We're surprised, s-she hasn't cried once." Canada said quietly and Italy nodded.

Germany handed Madeline to Canada, and Prussia walked over and wrapped an arm around Canada's shoulders.

"She has mein awesomeness. Zhough she does have Birdie's eyes." Prussia said chuckling.

Prussia leaned down and kissed Canada quickly, and Canada carried Madeline carefully upstairs for nap-time.
Germany and Italy watched them go, and Germany hugged Prussia.

"Vow. Good Job, she looks beautiful. She must have gotten it all from Canada zhen." Germany muttered and Prussia punched Germany's gut teasingly.

Italy giggled and hugged Prussia next, "~Ve! I'm-a so happy for you Prussia!" He said excitedly and Prussia chuckled.

"~Danke. Congratulations on zhe engagement by zhe vay." Prussia said eyeing Italy's ring.

Italy and Germany blushed, and both smiled.

"Ve're in love. Und it vas bound to happen sometime." Germany said and Italy kissed his cheek.
Once, a long time ago, Ludwig Beilschmidt felt as though everything was falling out from under him.
Yet, he didn't realize someone had fallen before him, and was determined to catch him.
And his name was Feliciano.

Germany did fall.
But instead of hitting the ground, he fell into a warm place called Love.
Italy did as well.

They just needed each other to stand on solid ground again.

Fallen~GerItaDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu