Chapter nineteen

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I-a was walking around-a the marketplace in Italy when I saw a familiar girl holding hands with an also familiar Country.
It was-a Zoe and Romania!
I run up to them waving and Zoe waved back.

"Feli! Hey!" Zoe said happily and I grinned.

"Ah yes, hello It- I mean, Feliciano." Romania said smirking.

"Hello Vladimir. It's-a nice to see you again! Oh Zoe, you look-a beautiful as always Bella!" I said happily and she giggled before giving me a hug.

I smiled and hugged her back, but it wasn't as enthusiastic as my hugs I had given her before.
She noticed of course.

"Feli? You seem a little sad! Are you okay?" She asked concerned and pulled away.

I smile sadly, "Of-a course....I'm-a fine." I said softly.

"Aw, honey, what happened?" She asked.

"N-Nothing-a Bella. Well, there's nothing to be-a sad about anymore. I'm-a finer then I was-a yesterday." I said and rubbed the back of my neck.

"I see....." Zoe said still a little concerned before Romania interrupted.

"Maybe ve should go out for dinner sometime, all three of us. It vould be nice, yes?" He asked and Zoe nodded eagerly and I nodded once.

He grinned, showing his sharp teeth before hiding them from Zoe again.
He was-a wearing blue contacts, and he looked irritated by them.
I merely smiled and sighed.

Romania patted my shoulder and Zoe gave me a kiss on the cheek before they walked off.
I waved at them sadly, and walked back down the marketplace, and I rubbed my eyes as another stupido tear fell.
Germany's POV

I avoke zhe next morning in zhe hotel room a little groggy.
I forced myself out of bed und took a nice shower, before putting on fresh army pants und socks.
I pulled my tank-top on as vell und zhen mein boots, before packing mein zhings and began the search for Italia.
It vas going to be a long search, und I know it vill take a few days, but I know he vouldn't be far.
I valked out to mein rental car, und began to drive, und drive, und drive!
Let's just say it vas a long car-trip.

I had tracked zhe main part of Italy, Verona, und I knew he vas zhere.
He said he had many houses in Italy, but he loved Verona zhe most, so I knew he vould have to be zhere.

I drove zhrough zhe streets, und it vas nighttime already.
I vould need to look in zhe morning.
I just hope he's here.
Italy's POV

I was-a walking around the marketplace all day and was-a getting tired.
The sun was-a setting and I headed back to my car.
I drove in the now deserted streets of Verona and shook my head.

"I have to-a let go! It was a lost cause from the beginning. He never loved me." I said to myself and found my home once-a more.

"It's-a for the best! He needs to focus on real problems, and-a not me." I muttered.

I felt someone watching me, and I looked around.
"Ciao?" I asked.
Germany's POV

Und zhere he vas.
I found him in a deserted marketplace und he valked alone, und I vas about to approach him vhen he went into his car.

I tailed him, (und it vas NOT stalking), und he vent to his house.
I got out und wiped my now sweaty forehead.

"You can do zhis. You can." I said to myself and he stopped for a moment.

"Ciao?" He asked looking around confused before he looked behind him and gasped.


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