Chapter two

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I had looked for Germany everywhere, but I couldn't find him. I asked around to the other countries, but all they did was wave me off and England told me to "bugger" off.

I had looked all around the room and then headed back to my home. I called him a few times, but he must've turned off his phone because all I heard was dial-tone.

I wanted to go and visit him, but something told me not to.

Not yet at least.


I headed back home to Italy alone, and watched from the plane, bored and lonely.

I looked over and had seen a beautiful mortal girl sitting beside me.

She was looking at her phone and she sighed.

"I hate this stupid thing." She muttered.

She had beautiful greenish eyes and beautiful brown hair.

She was wearing a black tank-top and a regular pair of jeans.

She blinked and turned to look at me.

"Uh...? Sir?" She asked.

I blushed. "~Ve, sorry a-Bella, you just look so-a pretty angry like-a that." I said shifting the heel of my shoe.

She became bewildered and smiled.

"That was adorable, yet cheesy." She said teasingly.

I grinned, "Ciao! I'm-a Feliciano Vargas!" I said happily and put out my hand.

She smiled and took my hand and shook it.

"Zoe, Zoe Trancy."


We had a wonderful plane ride together!

We talked about what our favourite food was, (mine was of course Pasta, and hers was cupcakes), we talked of our family and our friends, (I wasn't dumb enough to tell her of me being a country and all, you know, secret oath and all that), and our old loves!

She seemed sad when she talked of a man named Gilbert, but I didn't want to pester her about it.

She told me that their break-up wasn't easy, and that he was in love with a man named Matthew.

She said it was time to let him go anyways, and she knew about true love and it's qualities.

I didn't want her sad, so I asked her why she would be coming to Italy, and she said that her class had raised enough money to take a trip here, and I offered to show her around!

She was a really nice girl, and I hope she finds true love one day.

But, she did state she wasn't looking for love at the moment, and she knew I was in love with someone anyways.

Although, we did exchange numbers and since I knew ever single place in Italy, I offered to take her for lunch on Saturday.

She kissed my cheek as we exited the plane, and we hugged as a formal goodbye.


I had hailed down a taxi and had directed the driver to my house happily.

I watched the scenery as we past by my country's famous places.

I yawned and closed my eyes and gently fell asleep dreaming of the plane ride, but with Germany sitting beside me instead on Zoe.


He gently nudged me awake as we arrived.

I paid him full in cash and took out my luggage, and headed to the house in a hurry.

I opened the door, walked over the threshold, and walked inside.

I breathed in a sigh of relief and closed the door, and climbed the long stairs leading to the second level.

I yawned and put my PJ's on as I put my luggage to the side and collapsed in bed, clearly exhausted and I closed my eyes.


I awoke to my phone ringing and I yawned as I reached over and answered it,


"Hallo. It's Germany." I heard him mumble.

Relief washed over me as I heard his voice.

"~Ve! Germany! It's-a so nice to hear from-a you!" I said happily.

He sighed, "Ja, anyvays, please give me some time to zhink, okay? I am just dealing vith a lot at zhe moment." I heard him mutter.

I looked down and I said a quick yes.

I could almost hear him grimace, "Danke. Auf Wiedersehen Italy."

I smiled and replied, "Arrivederci Germany." I said as he hung up the phone.

How much time though?


I thought about it for quite a long time. I couldn't sleep well that night, since I stayed up for half of it contemplating whether to call him or not.

I wasn't scared of course, I know I can't be.

It was Germany after all! Who could be scare of him?

Don't answer that.

Anyways, I can try and give him as much time as he needs. He should be back to his old self in no time right?


He'll be fine! My Doistu will be okay.

I should stop worrying, I'm sure everything will end up better in the end.

Or will it?

No I shouldn't think like that, it should. It has too.

I know everything will be fine once again, because I can make it better for him, I know I can.

Because, I am his little Italy. His Italy.


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