Chapter eight

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He studied me for a moment and sighed.
He hung up his coat and I decided if it was better if I didn't say anything for now.

"Hallo Italia." He mumbled.

I waved merrily at him and grinned,
"Ciao! How are you-a doing Germany?" I asked.

He sighed and took off his hat as well.
"I am fine, Italia. I vas just heading to my st-"

"Wait!" I said putting a hand on his arm quickly before looking down at it and backing up quickly.

"I mean, it would-a be nice if you joined me for supper. Is that-a okay?" I asked.

He rose an eyebrow and nodded.
"I guess, but I have some....ozher business to take care of." He said with finality.

I nodded happily and skipped to the kitchen.
He sighed and followed after me, and I was already taking plates from the cabinet hurriedly.
I set the table, and had him grabbing the food.
He set the pot in the middle of the table and I took the tongs and put the pasta on the plates happily.
All through dinner, he kept glancing at me.
It was odd!
Usually he looks at me if I did something wrong, but I was just eating pasta as always!

After dinner, he stood up, and sighed.

"Vell, Danke you for dinner and all, but I have to check on...some personal stuff." He mumbled.

I became hurt, "~Ve! We can-a have des-"

"Nien. Danke, but I need to....take care of some zhings." He muttered and stood up, before walking back to his study.

I sighed sadly and looked down, I heard his study door close and I stood up, before collecting the dishes and putting them in the sink hurriedly.
I grabbed an container and put in the dessert I made, Tiramisu!
It's a really delicious Italian recipe.

I'm very happy about it!
Anyways, I did take a piece for myself of course, and I don't mean to brag, but it was absolutely delicious!
I giggled to myself and put the rest of our food in the fridge, and had a seat on the couch in the living room.

I put on the news in Italy and zoned out for a moment.
I thought about what I could do to make Germany happy again, and I thought of all kinds of things.
Maybe I could give him pasta?
No, I already did that today.

~Ve? Maybe I can take him out for a movie? I heard there's a new war movie he might lik-
No! It would make him more depressed.

I sighed and thought over different things in my mind, I even wrote down a few things as well.
I flipped over the thoughts over and over, until one stood out!
I giggled and wrote down what I wanted to do, and I quickly put my plan in action!
I walked to the door of his study a few hours later, and knocked.
At first there was no answer, until I heard a gruff voice call out.

"Vhat? Italia I'm bu-"

"I know! But I-a have a surprise for you Germany."

There was silence for a moment or two, until he replied by opening the door.

"Vhat is it?" He asked confused.

I grinned and grabbed his hand, before racing down the hallway into the living room.
He tensed a little when he held my hand, but seemed to relax when we reached the room.
I turned to his reaction and he blinked once, twice, then grimaced.

I had decorated the room with streamers, and the German flags he had around the room, and had a huge German/Prussian memorabilia right in his living room.
I grinned at him and he grimaced down at me, and patted my shoulder.

"Danke. It is very wunderbar Italia." He murmured and I smiled softly.

I took his hand once more and showed him what I had done.
I put the Prussian flag over the couch, and put the German flag over the tv stand, and had put little Prussia flags all over the place!
I even put up the world map and added Prussia back in Germany like I did for his study.

He walked around for a minute or so and sighed, "Danke. It's very nice." He mumbled and headed back to his study.

I watched him go with a hurt expression and I sighed.
I walked down the hallway to my room and past Germany's study.
I was about to knock and say a good night as I usually did when I thought I heard some sobbing from the other side.
I put my head against the door and listened it.
Germany was crying.

I put my hand up and gulped.
I knocked on the door.
The sobbing stopped immediately.

"Ja?" He asked.

"...It's-a me. Just saying Buonanotte." I said sadly.

There was silence for a few moments, until,

"Ja. Guten Nacht." He mumbled that I had to really press up against the door to hear him.

I walked down to my room and opened the door, I closed it and walked to my bed.
I sat on it and put my head in my hands.
What have I done?

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