Chapter seventeen

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I had collected all of my stuff before he returned, and grabbed my passport.

I grabbed a notepad and pen off the dresser and wrote a note.

Dear Germany,

I'm sorry for leaving you like this, and for ever saying anything in the first place.

I didn't mean to make you mad, I just wanted to tell you before it was too late.

I'm sorry.

Lov-, (I had to cross it out)

From, Italy.

I sighed and set the note on his bed, before walking out the door, for god only knows how long.


Germany's POV

"TI AMO!" He screamed at me.

I sat zhere shocked, he said it, he actually said it.

He seemed to vait for mein answer, und I vas absolutely speechless.

He loved me?!

I vas about to reply, zhen he sighed und grabbed his vhite flag.

"I'm-a sorry Doitsu..." He murmured before running out zhe door.

"ITALIA!" I called out but he vas already gone.

I stood up quickly und threw open zhe door, before sprinting down zhe street after him.

I couldn't let him go, I just couldn't.

I vas catching up to him, und he looked back.

I vas focusing so hard on running, I usually look angry, so he took it zhe vrong vay und ran even faster.

I reached for him, but he lead me to a park und lost me.

I checked everyvhere, but I couldn't find him.

I lost him.

I lost my little Italia.


Italy's POV

I had boughten a plane ticket and was already heading back to Italy.

I watched out the window, and saw the last of Germany.

I made a promise to be with him for Prussia, but I broke it.

I closed my eyes and let a tear fall before falling asleep.


Germany's POV

I valked inside zhe house and slammed zhe door.

"ITALIA!" I called out vorriedly and began to search zhe house.

I searched it from top to bottom, becoming less vorried und more angry at myself.

I vent inside mein bedroom und sat on zhe bed, und rubbed mein eyes as vell.

I zhen noticed somezhing odd.

I vas crying.

I gasped und viped zhem avay.

I couldn't believe I vas crying.

I shivered und looked over, before noticing a note on mein bed.

I took it quickly und ripped it open, und saw it vas Italy's handwriting.

I read und re-read zhe letter until I smudged zhen pen vith mein tears

I vatched him walk avay, not stopping him.

Ich leibe dich.

Zhree vords zhat could have changed our lives.

Yet I didn't say zhem.


Italy's POV

As soon as I landed, I had to call Prussia to apologize.

"Hallo! Zhis is zhe awesome Pr- I mean Gilbert speaking! I'm not home right now, I'm probably having awesome sex vith mein awesome husband, or visiting my not as-awesome-yet-still-awesome Bruder! Leave a message at zhe awesome tone! ~Kesesesese!" He said as his dial-tone went on afterwards.

"C-Ciao. It's-a Italy. I'm sorry Prussia, but....something happened. I think I-a made him even more angry and sad. I have to-a go. Arrivederci."

I said finally and hung up as fresh tears began to fall.

I walked through the airport and hailed a taxi once I walked outside the doors.

I wipe away my tears and got in, before I shut the door, and looked out the window.


Germany's POV

Ti Amo.

TI Amo



Mein mind screams zhe vords.

He is your leibling, so stop sitting here und go after him!

I vas at var vith myself, und I had no idea vhere to find him.

I vould cross all zhe oceans for mein Italia, even if I vould die in zhe process.

I made a promise to a man I had met on zhe battlefield.

He vas obviously German, yet he vore zhis odd black coat und black hat.

He vas injured, und I vas on medical duty zhat day.

As I checked his bullet wound, he grabbed my collar und pulled me closer.

"Tell....her....tell her I promise to return." He murmured.

I remember I vas confused, "Tell who?"

"I-Ita....I...Ich liebe dich Italia..." He said before he closed his eyes one final time.

I didn't know who he vas, but...I saw him again afterwards.

He vas in mein dream, und explained to me to find "her," for him.

He had shown me a picture of a little Italian girl sleeping on a chair, und she really looked like Italy.

I remembered vhen he vas dying, he said "Italia," but it must've been Italia's sister instead.

I vas confused, und agreed. He smiled und disappeared.

I zhought about him, und made a promise to myself to love someone like zhat man did.

And zhen Italia came along, und now I have my chance.

I never forgot about zhat man, or vhat he fought for, because he fought for love.

Und his name vas Holy Rome.

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