Chapter thirteen

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The next morning was a little sad, and I didn't want to build any tension, so I never said anything.
I caught myself touching my lips with my fingers a few times, and stopped.
I think Germany noticed too, because once I did, he sat there looking confused and I made up a lie that my lips were chapped.

He gave me Chapstick for it.
I kept gazing at him, whenever he wasn't looking of course.
It was-a so bad, that I kept leaning into him when we watched the news together!
He was a little freaked out, so I changed seats.
I felt so stupid, I couldn't believe I didn't realize I was doing it!

We sat there in uncomfortable silence afterwards, (provided by me), when I announced I would be cleaning the place once more.
He seemed to tense a little.

"Nien. It's fine. I vill clean." He muttered and stood up, and headed to his study, which he's been spending in a lot more than he used to.

I sighed and muttered a yes when I flipped through the channels.
Obviously, there was tension in the house.
I don think he remembered last night, but....something told me he did.
I shook it off as just a lie and focused on the program.
A solid hour later, I brought up he courage to knock on his study door.
I waited and waited, but nobody came.
I gulped and grabbed the doorknob, luckily, and surprisingly, it was unlocked!

I turned it and opened the door, and found....
No one!
I blinked and looked around, and no Germany was present.
I looked around and the place was still clean, so I closed the door and headed to his room.
I knocked on the door, and waited once more.

I grabbed his bedrooms door knob and it was also unlocked, but no on was in there again!
I gasped and rushed around the house, checking all the rooms when I heard a door open and close downstairs.
I ran down the stairs and looked around quickly.

Germany yawned as he climbed up the basement stairs, and he noticed my worried expression.
He gripped his hip where he kept his gun and looked around suspiciously.

"Vhat is it? Are ve being attacked?" He asked.
I shook my head.

"Is zhere someone is zhe house?" He asked once more.

I shook my head in response again.

"Vell? Vhat is it?!" He demanded.

"I-I didn't know where you-a were Doitsu..."I said quietly and his expression softened.

"Oh....vell, I vas just downstairs." He muttered.

I nodded, "Uh....I was about to make-a lunch." I said shifting my feet.

He nodded. "Guten....Guten...uh...I vill be mien study zhen." He said and walked past me and headed to the hallway.

I heard his door close and I sighed in relief.
That was-a awkward!
I shrugged off the awkward feeling and headed to the fridge.
I dug through the contents and took out some milk and cheese.
I smiled sadly to myself as I made wurst with cheese.

I poured the milk into two glasses and cooked the sausage, letting my mind wander for a moment.
I kept on thinking of that dream, and how Germany was....him.
I shook my head.
I knew for a fact he couldn't be.

It was just not possible!
Or....was it?
I had knocked on his study door and he opened it quickly, right after my first knock.
I grinned happily and he merely grimaced as he always did.
He smelled the air and was very close to a full smile.

"~Danke Italia." He murmured and gripped my shoulder, causing huge butterflies to enter my stomach.

He walked past me and I watched him go, a little giggly and very happy.
I skipped after him and he was already at the table eating.
Oh Germany...
I chuckled and sat down, eating sausage and drinking my milk.

I looked over and saw him tense.

"~Ve? Germany? Is there-a something wrong?" I asked confused.

He gripped his glass and shook his head. "N-Nozhing Italia. Nozhing." He muttered and ate a little more hurriedly.
I shrugged and continued to eat happily.

He stood up and excused himself to head to his study when I grabbed his hand once he was walking past.

"~Ve! Doitsu! Wait! Don't go yet, we should-a play a game!" I said happily.

He rose an eyebrow, "Uh....vhy?"

"Because you-a always stay in your study! It will-a be fun!" I said jumping up happily and he sighed,

"Ja, fine. One game zhough." He muttered and I hugged him happily.

He felt tense, but relaxed quickly.
I giggled and we walked to the living room.

"Let's-a play Truth or Dare!" I said happily and he merely nodded.
We played for a solid hour until we came to the last card.
On the game-cards, there was nothing bad in the dares, and the truth questions were kind-a dumb.

I picked up the card, and asked him Truth or Dare.
He thought for a moment and sighed.

"Dare...." He murmured.

I gasped and shoved the card in my pocket.

"W-Whoops! There was-a no answer. Your turn to ask me!" I said nervously and fastly.

He watched in amazement as I said those few words fast, and he reached over and grabbed the card.
I gulped.

"Let's see....For Truth, you must ask who zhey love, and for Dare, you must make zhem....kiss zhe ozher person playing vith zhem." He said stunned.

I looked down, "~Ve... I'm not-a sure."
I muttered.

I dared a peak at him, and he was staring at me for a moment and sighed.

"Ja....Ja, okay, just...close your eyes." He murmured and I did what I was told.

I felt him kiss my left and right cheeks.
I blushed and he kissed my nose.
I held back a giggle and he kissed my mouth once.
I opened my eyes as he stared into mine, and he drew back suddenly.

He stood up and coughed awkwardly, "~Danke for zhe game...." He muttered and headed to the hallway.

I silently thanked Big brother France for sending me the game.

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