Chapter eighteen

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I had arrived home, and-a walked up the steps to my house.
I wiped away another tear and locked the door once I stepped over the threshold.
I sighed and set my bags aside, and collapsed on my couch.

I was both emotionally and physically exhausted, and I-a barely kept my eyes open.
I closed my eyes, slipping away from the pain peacefully.
I dreamt about Holy Rome, and how I was holding hands with him and we were young again.
He told me how he left, and how he promised to return, but it wouldn't be for a few days.
He kissed my cheek and gave me a flower before he left.

"Don't-a worth Italy, I'll always be with you, but I will be someone else. Someone who will-a love you until his last breath." He said smiling sadly
before he disappeared quietly.
I-a opened my eyes and wiped away a tear.
I was crying in my sleep, and soaked the pillow.
I sighed and looked around, noticing that the sun had settled and it was dusk.
I pushed myself up and into a siting postion, before bringing up the energy I had and walked up the stairs, sad and still exhausted.

I opened my door to my room and sighed as I looked around, expecting to see the familiar German flag over the bed and sunlight streaming through the window.
But I was wrong.
All I saw was darkness, and I burst into tears again, trying to find myself.

I felt like I was drowning, drowning in despair and no hope was found.
That's what you get for falling in love.
Germany's POV.

I had boughten a ticket to Italy, und vas planning on telling him, und I don't vant to lose him again.
You just can't lose zhe one zhing you really love so easily.

Memories past by as zhe plane took off, memories of pain of losing bruder, of feeling zhe pain as mein chest bled profusely.

I had known it vas going to happen, zhat he vould be gone.
I just didn't zhink zhat zhe day vould be so soon.
He hadn't disappeared, because he had been taken under his husbands ving, und he gave him a province, making him a Micronation.

I still felt....empty, even zhough he vould still be zhere, but knowing he vasn't "zhere" anymore, hurt me.
Alzhough, bruder vas happy once he took a province called, "Saskatchevan", und he re-named it, calling it, "Province of Awesomen

Zhe scar had been forever torn zhrough mein left breast, und I knew it vould not go avay ever.

I shook off the memory und vatched clouds, und zhe last of Deutschland in zhe distance before it vas completely gone.
I love mein bruder, I really do.
It vas just.....Italia knew about mein secrets, mein past, mein vorld.
He knew everyzhing about me, und I knew about him.

He never criticized me, und he vould alvays congratulate me on sharing.
He vas my first true friend.
Und now, he needs to be more.
Italy's POV

I didn't want-a to get up in the morning, and yet I know I have to.
I yawned and-a sat up, looking around and reaching over to open the blinds.
I pulled the cord and sunlight streamed through the window, and I sighed.

I tried cheering myself up by singing while I got dressed, but that didn't work.
I tried smiling while I had my eggs, but that also didn't work.
And finally, I had-a tried to dance when I played music, but that-a didn't work either!
I was truly sad.

I did those-a things when...he, left.
It never worked, and it-a hasn't worked for over two-hundred years.
I really tried, mind you, and I was-a almost healed before I met-a Germany
But...once Doitsu came, I felt myself falling for someone again, and I was-a scared.

I don't want it to-a ever happen again, never ever.
Germany's POV

I had arrived to Italy around nine the next morning, und I felt utterly exhausted.
As soon as I found a hotel, I rented a room as soon as I could und collapsed like a bag of potatoes.
Do not tell Romano I said zhat.
Anyvays, I fell sleep almost immediately und zhe last zhing I saw, vas Italia's face, smiling again.

Und I vant to be zhe zhing zhat makes him smile again.
Italy's POV

I had-a gone back downstairs for a drink and to gather up my blanket and pillow from the couch when I froze.
There, on-a the couch, was a small, red flower on the ground beside me.
I grabbed it gently with a shaken hand, and held it close to my heart.

"H...Holy Rome?" I asked myself, sniffing the flower as my body shook.

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