Chapter nine

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The next morning, I didn't even want to leave my room.

I was tempted to take down the flags and such, but I was so angry with myself I didn't even want to get up.

I stared at the ceiling for what felt like an eternity and finally sat up.

I looked at myself in the mirror and stuck out my tongue, trying to scare my reflection.

It didn't work, and he was still there!

I sighed, grabbed a towel from the closet, and headed straight to the bathroom for a nice shower.

I put on my shower cap and waited for the water to warm up, and had some time to think.

I thought about taking down the flags, but I wonder if he wants them still up?

I stepped into the shower, pulled the curtain closed, and thought about it quite a bit.


After washing up and grabbing clean clothes, I walked outside onto the porch and breathed in the fresh air.

I admired the mountains in the distance and took a picture fairly quickly.

I giggled and drank my coffee as I thought about Germany, I sighed sadly and looked to the chair on my left.

I got up, and headed to his study.

I knocked on the door and waited, I heard his voice.

"Ja?" He asked, sounding tired.

I smiled, "~Ve! Ciao! It's-a me Italy, I was-a wondering if you wanted to come out and-a join me for coffee on the patio!" I asked happily.

There was silence for a few moments, then he said, "Ja. Fine. I'll be out zhere soon." He muttered.

I grinned happily and skipped back outside.

I sat down on a patio chair and became giddy with anticipation as I waited.

I watched the sun and yawned, as I checked my watch.

I glanced to the door and became less and less giddy.

He didn't come.

I looked down at my shoes, hurt and confused.

I grabbed the now-cold coffee and headed back inside.

We can try again tomorrow." I said to myself and headed to the kitchen to dump out my coffee.

I headed to my room and past his study, and I heard snoring.

I blinked and smiled.

"~Ve! Have-a good sleep Germany." I whispered and walked down to my room for a quick nap before making supper.


I woke a few hours later as I wiped my tears away.

I had the dream of Holy Rome and Germany again.

I shook my head and calmed down by wiping my eyes with cold water and headed to the kitchen.

I let my mind wonder as I made supper and thought of Holy Rome.

Does he miss me?

Did he really love me?

Why did he leave?

I don't understand.

Why can't he come back?

Why is the pasta bu-


I gasped and grabbed the pan and turned off the oven and grabbed a cloth and fanned out the smoke.

I coughed and spluttered as I made sure everything was okay.

The smoke detector went off and I gasped.

"VHAT?! ITALIA I'M COMING!" Germany yelled as he ridge out of his study and into the kitchen.

He looked around for a minute panicking and then stood up straight and became confused.

He studied me for a moment before looking to the pasta.

He sighed angrily and went back to the study.

I was trying, really, REALLY, hard not to laugh.

As soon as I heard his study door close, I burst out laughing and fell on the floor.

"His-a f-face! His face!" I repeated over and over.

After a few minutes, I finally pulled myself together and made the pasta once more.

I couldn't believe his reaction, and I wished for a camera!

I made it once more and called Germany.

"~Ve! Germany, it's-a me! Suppers ready!" I said happily.

I heard him get up and his boots walking along the floor to the door.

He opened it and I backed up smiling.

"It's not burned zhis time, is it?" He asked.

I laughed and shook my head. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the kitchen.

He was tensing again, and his hand was getting sweaty.

I let go quickly, but, for some reason, he was reluctant.

He sat at his normal spot and I at mine.

We ate in silence for a few moments, and then I spoke up.

"We're-a running out of food, I need to go out-a shopping!" I said chewing on my pasta.

He only nodded.

"I-a better go tomorrow, do you-a want to come too Germany?" I asked and he sat tree for a moment.

He gulped,nodded, and I grinned merrily as we finished our pasta without anymore talking.

After supper, he even helped me clean the dishes!

We washed in silence as well, until,

"Ve need to get vurst. It's my turn to cook." He mumbled.

I watched him for a moment and nodded, and I happily grinned.

He grimaced down at me and headed to his study.

I watched him leave with a happy expression.


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