Chapter 28 - Halloween Party(Option 2)

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A sigh escapes my lips as I'm sitting on a bench in front of Saotome Academy. The halloween party is being held where the entrance ceremony was at the beginning of the school year.

I've peeked to see how is was decorated and I must say that whoever decorated it has done a magnificent job. There are multi colored spotlights; where everyone is having fun and on the stage, jack o'lanterns, gravestones and mist. The couple of tables that are there, with food and drinks, look like old wells, or something like that, with spiderwebs and a skull on them, here and there.

Looking down at my outfit, I sigh again. Oji-chan has great sense in fashion but this isn't me. I told him that because I don't know what to wear, he can pick out a costume for me but this is not what I expected. It's nice and cute and all but I feel like the dress is too short.

"Y/N?" I instantly look up, from leaning on my hands, to see Syo standing in front of me.

"Hey, Syo." I greet with a wave and pink dusting my cheeks.

"What's the matter?" he walks over and takes a seat next to me on the bench. He's dressed up like a vampire. Huh, I looks really good on him.

"I think this costume isn't for me." he raises an eyebrow and the gives me a smile.

"Let me see."

"What?" I straighten up so that I can see him better.

"Let me see the costume."

"You see it on me, right now, as I'm sitting next to you." I explain as if he's dumb. I know he's not, infact, I think he's very clever. He rolls his eyes at me.

"Stand up. I can't see it fully with you huddled up in a ball like that." he says smirking and I glare at him.

"Fine." I stand up and in front of him do a spin. Once I see him in front of me again, I stop. His eyes are wide as saucers and his cheeks are red as Tomo-chan's hair.

"Syo?" I ask and wave my hand in front of his face. He snaps out of it and goes even redder if possible.

"-on you." he mumbles looking to the side with his arms crossed.

"What did you say?" I raise an eyebrow. I didn't catch that.

"-look pretty." he mumbles again this time a bit louder but I couldn't hear him properly.

"I can't understand what you're saying, Syo, speak up." I cross my arms and bent down so that I can hear him better.

"You look really pretty, okay!" he shouts this time and I quickly pull back, my eyes wide. His cheeks are a little pink and I know mine are red. He thinks I'm pretty? He sighs and rubs the back of his neck, looking to the side.

"I-I didn't mean to yell in your face." he trys to apologize. What should I do? There's no need to make this even more awkward. He just told me what he thinks, nothing more, right? Right.

"It's alright, Syo, I was being annoying." he quickly looks at me and I smile.

"And thanks, I need a boost of confidence." he finally smiles but there's still a little bit of pink on his cheeks. He stands up and glances at the party then back at me.

"Care to help me find the others?" I chuckle and nod.

"Sure." we start making our way to the party. I'm so glad this is all settled. This could've taken a turn for the worst.

"So what do you think of my costume?" he asks. I know I going to hate myself for this but I smirk anyways.

"It's purrfect." he glances at me with a raised eyebrow. I couldn't hold it in anymore so I started laughing and he soon joined.

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