Chapter 28 - Halloween Party(Option 1)

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A/N: Okay, so I decided to try something out. I made two similar chapters under the name Halloween Party; option 1 and option 2. They are pretty similar but there are some differences, mostly caused by the two different costumes that you wear and there is a different song in each option, as well. I would very much like that you tell me what you all think about this chapters and if I should do something similar in the future.

Thanks for reading and until the next chapter

Bye Bye


A sigh escapes my lips as I'm sitting on a bench in front of Saotome Academy. The halloween party is being held where the entrance ceremony was at the beginning of the school year.

I've peeked to see how is was decorated and I must say that whoever decorated it has done a magnificent job. There are multi colored lights; where everyone is having fun and on the stage, jack o'lanterns, gravestones and mist. The couple of tables that are there, with food and drinks, look like old wells, or something like that, with spiderwebs and a skull on them, here and there.

I sigh as I look down at my outfit. Oji-chan has great sense in fashion but I couldn't go in what he wanted me to go. I told him that because I don't know what to wear, he can pick out a costume for me but that was not what I expected. It's was nice and cute and all but I felt like the dress was too short. So we made a compromise: I dress up like what he wants me to but I pick out the clothes.

"Y/N?" I instantly look up, from leaning on my hands, to see Syo standing in front of me.

"Hey, Syo." I greet with a wave.

"What's the matter?" he walks over and takes a seat next to me on the bench. He's dressed up like a vampire. Huh, It looks really good on him.

"Nothing, I just don't feel like I want to party." he raises an eyebrow.

"Why?" I just shrug.

"I don't know, I just don't feel like it."

"Well, how about I make you feel like it?" he says smirking.

"What?" I straighten up so that I can see him better.

"Give me a second." he stands up and walks away. I follow him with my eyes. What's he up to?

He comes back with a ballon in his hand. I glare at the balloon because it's filled with water, you can tell by it's shape. He stops a little ways from me and I raise an eyebrow.

"What are you going to do with that?" I ask as if he's dumb and doesn't know what a water balloon is. I know he's not, infact, I think he's very clever. He rolls his eyes at me.

"Stand up." he says smirking and I glare at him.

"Fine." I slowly stand up, never taking my eyes from him. He moves his hand back and my eyes widen.

"Syo, don't!" he just smirks the throws the balloon at me. I spring into action and dodge it. Looking at where the grass is wet now, a smirk finds it's way onto my face.

"Ha, you missed!" as I turn to look at him, my smirk instantly vanishes. He has two more balloons in his hands. Where did he get them from?!

He throws them and I'm lucky enough to dodge them. But deciding that I don't care anymore, when he throws the third on, I dodge it by jumping to the side, like a cat. I start laughing as soon as I stand up. That was so fun to do! I make my way to see just to see him staring into nothing.

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