Chapter 16 - Audition

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Now that everything's over we were in the courtyard of the school. Syo was lying on a bench with his head on my lap. I can't even describe his face....

''So high.... I'm going to die....'' he kept mumbling to himself. Tomo-chan was fanning him with a piece of paper.

''You're not gonna die....'' I said to him in return as I kept stroking his head. His fedora was on my head as there wasn't any more room on the bench. He just kept mumbling those same words over and over again. I let out a sigh.

''Where is Haru-chan?'' I asked looking at everyone. They all shrugged.

''She'll be back soon.'' Otoya-kun said and I nodded looking at him.

''Hey, do you think he got worse?'' Tomo-cham asked.

''Maybe we overdid it....'' Otoya-kun said looking at Syo. I snapped my head in his direction, glaring at him a little. He smiled sheepeshly at me rubbing the back of his head.

''It's time to call quits.'' Ren said.

''We're not done yet!'' Natsuki said taking a step foward. We all looked at him.

''The fact is that we were going too easy on him!'' my face went blank after he said that.

''I know a friend who's developing a rocket and we can tie Syo-chan to it. It will take him up and he won't be afraid anymore!'' Natsuki said clapping his hand together smiling.

''Nani?!'' Syo shouted sitting up. His face losing all color and then turning red.

''I got the water!'' Haru-chan said giving Tomo-chan the bottle. And she pored the whole thing on his head. He let out a breath and fell back onto my lap.

''Ough....'' I sigh as he fell. That kind of hurt a little.

''Are you alright?'' I looked at Masato and nodded.

''The problem is.... that Syo-chan is a real gogether.'' Natsuki said with a little sigh.

''You know Syo-kun well?'' Haru-chan asked and he nodded.

''Hai, we've known each other for a while now.... But we didn't thought that we were going to go here together.'' he said.

''I wonder why he's afraid of hights?'' Haru-chan asked. I looked down at Syo who was still out of it on my lap.

''Maybe he went through something terrible in his past?'' Masato suggested and we all looked at him.

''Something terrible?'' Otoya-kun repeated. I looked down at Syo. Could that have really happened to you? Suddenly we heared laughter all around us.

''Oh no....'' I breath out. For some reason I turned my head around and saw the headmaster slowly standing up behind the bench I was sitting on.

''Ahhhhhh!'' I screamed along with the girls. My face lost all color and I was shaking. I almost stood up if I didn't remember that Say was there. He did some kind of a spin and jumped in front of the bench.

''Listening to the problems of my studants.... is a part of my job.'' he said smirking.

''And scaring them is another part....'' I mumbled to myself and sighed glaring at him.

''Mr. Kurusu?'' he said shaking him. I blink a couple of time and stood up taking a couple of steps back from him. He scares me.... I stopped when I bumpped into something. I looked behind me and saw Ren. He smiled.... sort of, and kept me in place from running away. And here I was thinking that were we finally geting along.

''What?!'' Syo yelled once he was back to normal.

''You need to relaxxxxx!'' Syo started mumbling something to himself as I raised an eyebrow. Just as I was about to run a hand throught my hair, I stopped. I still have Syo's fedora on.

Not thinking twice, I walk over to, a still stitting and mumbling, Syo. I take the fedora of my head and plop it down onto his. He quickly looks up at me, his eyes wide. I give him a smile which he returns with a smirk but there's pink dusting his cheeks. Huh, I like it when he smiles, or in this case smirks. He sighs and then turns his attetion to the headmaster.

"Fine, what do you have in mind?"

And that's how we ended up in the headmaster's office. All the lights were turned off excapt for a small candle that was bruning. The headmaster started saying something but I didn't pay much attention on what he was saying because I was hidding behind Haru-cham. Great now that bastared of a man of a heasmaster made me traumatized of him.

Suddenly Syo jumped out of his seat, screaming about how someone must stop chasing him. Unconsciously I looked at Natsuki. Why do I have this feeling like it's his fault? Then Syo sat back down and slowly rised his head. Like in a horror movie and then you see one of his eyes missing or his face is mutilated or something like that.

''Natsuki.'' he growled out. Natsuki put a finger on his chin in thought.

''I think I remember something like that happening....'' he said in thought until Syo appeared in front of him

''Think.... It was excatly like that!'' he yelled at him. At leat we know why he's afraid of hights....


The next day we got a little suprise when we met at the park.

''What?! You aren't going to the audition!?'' we all said at the same time.

''Hai....'' he said looking down.

''Why?'' Otoya-kun asked. He snapped his head looking up at him.

''Because of this!'' he said pointing to the magazin and some kind of a small print. It read that the character was going to play his little sister.


''It's such a small print....'' I noted, glaring at it and Haru-chan nodded. No one could have seen that.... It's so small!

''Don't worry Syo-chan!'' We heared Natsuki's voice and looked at him as he was runnig to us with a dress in his hands.

''Oh no....'' I heared Syo sighed. And just as I looked at him, Natsuki pulled the dress on him. I had to put a hand over my mouth to stop from chuckling.

''You know.... you're quite cute in a dress, Syo.'' I said smiling as Natsuki was taking pictures of him. He was glaring at me and I was smirking at him. Just then Haru-chan also commented that he looks cute.

''Stop it!'' he yelled up at the sky. Actually he yelled at us looking up at the sky.

''Oh.... you're just who I was looking for, for the part.'' we looked at the owner of the voice to see that it's Hyuga-sensei.

''Me?'' Syo asked confused looking at him.

''Yeah, what's your name?''


''Make sure to audition, Syoko-chan.'' Hyuga-sensei said giving a thumbs up and running of. I was rolling on the ground holding my stomach laughing.

''S-Syoko-chan?!'' Syo said shocked, his face turning paler.

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