Chapter 2 - What Happened

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Thump, thump


Thump, thump

I groaned, my head is killing me. I slowly open my eyes just to quickly close them. I really hate hospitals.... Wait. How did I end up in a hospital? I'm sure that this is a hospital, I know because of the smell. The last thing I rember is falling to the ground.

I open my eyes again and look to the side. There was no one else in the room except me. I groan again and sit up. This doesn't look like one of the rooms in the hospitals in H/T. Just then the door opened and a nurse walked in, she looked at me and smiled.

''Oh, you're awake!'' she said, walking over to me and started to check me.

''Where am I?'' I asked. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow then smiled again.

''In a hospital of course.'' she answers and I shake my head. I know that already....

''In which city?'' I asked again. She was now looking at me with concern in her eyes.

''Tokyo.'' she said and continued checking me. Tokyo!? How the hell did I get to Tokyo from H/T! This can't be happing! This must be a dream.... yeah, that's right this is all a dream.

''H-how did I get here!?'' I yelled flustered. I scared the nurse a little, I sighed.

''W-well.... as far as I know someone found you lying beside a pavilion and brought you here.'' I nodded

''Gomen. So you say I'm in T-Tokyo?'' I stuttered, she nodded.

''Hai, you're uncle will be here soon to see how are you.'' I stared at her wide eyed. Uncle? What uncle? I don't have a uncle! I was freaking out on the inside but stayed somewhat calm on the outside.

''I'm done, everything seems fine. When your uncle comes he can take you home.'' she said smiling. I was staring back at her. She then sighed and left the room, I turned to the other side and looked out the window.

''H-how did I g-get here?'' I whispered. It looks like it's winter, juging by how much snow has fallen and the fact that everyone's in winter clothes. I sighed and as I was putting my hand down, I felt something furry. I looked down and saw Kohaku, I smiled.

''How did you get in here Kohaku?'' I asked the cat, he just purred in response. I heared the door opening and turned to it, still patting Kohaku.

''Y/N-chan! Are you all right, you had me so worried!?'' the man said as he came to staned by my bed. My eyes widened as I took a good look at him. Memories started surfesing in my mind....

~ Memory #1 ~

''Y/N-chan, come inside, it will start to rain soon!'' my uncle called to my-six-year-old-self. I was playing outside in the back yard.

''Coming, Oji-kun(uncle)!'' I said smiling and running inside. He was waiting for me by the door, smiling, and he picked me up in his arms.

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