Chapter 6 - Piano

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Well.... the day started off great. I woke up refreshed and ready for today. Kohaku was gone again as always. I quickly got dressed and combed my hair, leaving my room.

I could have sworn I heared that headmaster's voice last night before I went to sleep.

And here I am now. Sitting in the classroom and listening to Ringo-sensei.... sort of. I'm looking out the window and half listening to her. The first thing she did once everyone was in their seat was ask who is here to become and Idol and who is here to become a composer. I raised my hand for the Idol part. I don't think I could be a very good composer. She was talking about how our real challenge starts today and how at the end of the first semester we're going to pare up with an Idol or composer and there's going to be a show or something. The winers are going to get a contract. That would be nice.... I guess.

''For today, I going to assign you a partner with whom you are going to creat a song!'' she said and did her pose. I looked from the window to her. She finally sparked my attention. I chuckled again seeing the pose, I can't get over the fact that she's my uncle.

''The composer must write the music and the Idol has to think of the lyrics and sing.'' she said smiling. Everyone was looking at her wide eyed. That could be a problem.... I sighed putting my head on my hands that were on the desk. It can't be that hard, right.... right? I looked to the bord and with the help of some miracle I was able to see what was written. That's strange.... I'm not with anyone. I raised my hand and Ringo-sensei looked at me then smiled.

''Don't worry L/N Y/N-chan! I'm sure you can do it!'' she said smiling and winking. My face paled at her word.

''A-are you saying t-that I need to do everything by m-myself?'' I stuttered out. She nodded smiling at me. Everyone was now looking at me. I glanced at Haru-chan and Otoya-kun and they smiled kindly at me, as if saying you can do it. I sighed and put my head on the desk. Great just great.... now I need to do everything by myself. I feel like I could cry anime tears.

''Okay! We will start off by doing the winning song from last year with the escort of the piano!'' she said smiling at Haru-chan. I was glaring at my so called Oji-chan hoping her head would explode or something. Haru-chan gulped and walked over to the piano, Oji-baka behind her. She sat down and Oji-baka put the sheet music in front of her telling her where to start. She was just looking at the sheet music. What's the matter Haru-chan? Like she knew, she looked up to me with scared eyes. What.... don't tell me she doesn't know how.... my eyes going wide at the thought. I shook my head of the thought. That can't be it!

''What's the matter?'' Oji-baka asked. She looked up at her and stayed quiet. I could hear all kinds of rumors going around the classroom. That she can't read music and that she can't play the piano. Haru-chan instantly stood up on her feet.

''I know how to play the piano! My grandma taught me.'' she shouted. I wanted to smile at her but I couldn't beacuse I knew she just made it worse. Then they started to whisper about her not beeing teached by a professional and that she got in by charity. Otoya-kun instantly stood up on his feet.

''Don't listen to them Nanani-chan!'' he shouted to her but that didn't help much. They started again and it looked like she was about to cry. Now I stood up and was glaring at all of them.

''I doesn't matter by who and how she was taught.... everyone can write music if they have the heart.'' I barked out the last word at them still glaring. Some looked away and some shivered. I smirked in triumph. After everyone calmed down the class continued. It was too quiet for my liking and I every once in a while would glance at Haru-chan.

As soon as class ended Haru-chan ran out. Otoya ran out after her and I after him. I noticed, looking out the window that it was rainning outside. I ran to my room and got an umbrela, quickly running out. I saw Otoya-kun putting his jacket over her and smiled, stopping. I shook my head remembering that it was still rainning and walked over to them. Putting my umbrela over Haru-chan. She looked at me wide eyed them smiled and hugged me, I hugged her back. We walked over to a pavilion and I put my umbrela away. Me and Haru-chan were sitting on the railing while Otoya-kun was standing oposet of us.

''You don't have to worry about reading music....'' he spook suddenly and she looked up to him in shock.

''I have never written music before....'' she whispered looking at the ground. I hugged her over one shoulder and she sighed.

''I never written lyrics before so we're in the same boat.'' he said smiling sheepeshly at her. Her eyes were sparkling and so were his. They were so cute!

''I'm going to learn how to read music!'' she said determined. I smiled looking at her. She looked to me smiling again. That's nice.... I don't want my friends to be sad.

''Then I'll try to write some lyrics by tomorow!'' Otoya-kun said smiling. I nodded smiling at him.

''Then I could help you if you want?'' I said to her. She looked at me shocked then hugged me tightly. We ended up on the floor she on top of me and hugging me to death.

We started right after school ended. We went to the school library and got all the books on sheet music. We started with the basic: notes and how long is each note. We didn't have much time left today so we did only that. I was amazed at how qickly she was able to learn that.

''Now listen,'' I said stirnly to her as we were walking away from the library. She looked at me confued.

''When you get to your dorm room, go to sleep, don't studay anymore.... it won't help okay.'' I said looking at her with concerned eyes. She nodded smiling and I let out a sigh of relief. With the corner of my eye I saw Otoya-kun behind a corner waving at me so Haru-chan won't notice. I let out a sigh and she looked at me.

''I'm just tired a little. You go and rest up. We'll see each other tomorow.'' I said smiling. She nodded and walked away. I let out another sighed and walked over to Otoya-kun.

''What is it?''

''Please! Please! Please! Help me.'' he begged on his knees. I took a step back in shock. What is he doing?!

''W-with what?'' he stood up and was now looking at the ground.

''I don't know how to write lyrics....'' he murmured. I knitted my eyebrows in confusion.

''Ano....'' I started but he cut me of.

''How do you do it?!'' he asked eagerly. I looked away from him in that moment and sighed.

''Well.... think of something significant that happed to you and go from there or if you feel really excited about something you can also use that....'' I sighed out of frustration.

''Sorry I couldn't help more.... my brain's just really tired-" suddenly I was pulled into a hug. My feet were tangling above the floor then I saw slowly put down. I looked at Otoya-kun in shock. What was that about?

''Arigato! That helped so much, arigato!'' he shouted to me as he was running off. I sighed but smiled and made my way back to my dorm room. I went straigh to bed and instantly fell asleep.

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