Chapter 20 - Lost

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I let out a sigh and put a hand on my forehead. I had a feeling that this would happen....

''W-where are? Can we be.... lost!?'' Haru-chan asked confused as she looked around us then to the map she was holding. There was so many people walking around us. I didn't think that the street was going to be so busy at this time of day.

''Yes. Yes, we are....'' I breathed out looking at her. She looked back at me and opened her mouth to say something then closed it, then opened again. I should have known where we're going but I still don't know this city too well.

''Maybe we should ask a policeman for directions?''

''We should have asked him when we walked pass him. Right now.... I don't see any policeman, Haru-chan.'' I said looking at her, she glanced to the side then at the ground. I sighed.

''Don't worry. We'll think of something....'' I said as I looked around us and saw no one that we know.

''How?'' I glanced back at her and she was still looking at the ground. I let out yet another sigh.

''I'll think of something....''

''Haru-chan,'' I started when I was on the werg of giving up but was cut off by her looking up and pointing to somewhere with a smile.

''Look, there's Shinomiya-san!'' she said quite loudly. I also looked in the direction and indeed saw Natsuki. I raised an eyebrow as I noticed that something didn't look right about him. Something was a miss, but what was it? She grabbed my hand and pulled me with her as we ran towards him. He was just sitting there writting something. Lirycs maybe?

''Thank goodness!'' Haru-chan started as we stopped in front of him. He didn't look up just continued writting.

''I'm so glad we found you, Shinomiya-san! We kinda got.... lost.'' she said trailing off. I raised an eyebrow looking down at him. Is he ignoring us?

''What are you doing here anyways, Natsuki?'' I asked curiously. He glanced up at us and I took a step back. What the-his eyes, they look so different. Usually he wears glasses, now he isn't wearing them but that's not it. His eyes look so cold now.

''Ano,'' Haru-chan started with a lost for words.

''Move. You're castting a shadow.'' he said coldly, just stopping for a second. She immediatly moved and he continued writting.

''Ano,'' she started again. I put a hand on her shoulder and shok my head slowly.

''Haru-chan, maybe we shouldn't," I started but was cut off by him.

''Take a hike. I'm composing here.'' he said drily and I stopped, my eyes going wide. There's no way that that's Natsuki. Now I was glaring at him and I guess he could feel it because he looked up at me with an equal glare. Just as I opened my mouth to tell him off I was cut short as two boys walked past us.

One of them has thrown garbage but it fell on Natsuki's head. He stopped writing and his hand started shaking. I raised my eyebrow at his actions. What the hell is he doing? They boys continued talking like nothing happened. Suddenly he stood up and ran at the boys. My eyes widened and so did Haru-chan's. He slammed his fist right next to the head of the boy who throw the garbage. What the hell!? We ran after him.

"What the hell, Natsuki?!" I shouted once we were close enough so that he could hear us. But he didn't budge. He was still holding the boy by the collar of his shirt.

"There you are!" I looked at the direction of the voice to see that it's Syo. He ran straight pass us and as Natsuki turned around Syo put his glasses back onto him. And just like that Natsuki turned around confused, looking at Haru-chan and me.

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