Chapter 17 - Letter

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Another day at Saotome Academy has come to an end. I let out a breath of relief as I came to stand in front of my room. As I opened the door to my room I was a little startled to see Kohaku on my bed. He was asleep and he looked so cute. I walked over to him and he must have heared me or something because he woke up looking at me with big eyes. I sat down on my bed and he jumped onto my lap purring. I smiled and started patting him. I don't know from where he is? Does someone miss him? And yet I treat him just like any other cat. I mean, he came with me here! And somehow.... he always knows what I need, like.... he knows me.

He suddenly jumped off of my lap and walked over to the lone box that was in the corner of the room. In that box were pictures of my parents, my childhood.... from here. Yet, I truely do feel like all of those memories are mine. I'm actually scared.... of knowing what's inside. He meowed, bringing me out of my thoughts. I stood up from the bed and walked over to the box. I got down onto my knees in front of it and glanced at him. He meowed at me again and I sighed slowly opening the box.

Inside were picturs of my patents, Oji-chan and me. There were also some books that my mum and dad loved to read and some other memories of my childhood. As I was looking through all the stuff in the box, at the bottom of the box I found a letter. I picked it up, confused, putting the book that I was holding aside.

Hello Y/N-chan

It me, Hiro-kun. I know we haven't see each other in a long time and I'm really sorry about that. I'd be amazed if you even remember me.... I hope you're doing well. I guess I shouldn't beat around the bush, huh? If you're reading this right now Y/N-chan I'm probably.... not in this world anymore. I'm so sorry you had to find out like this! I really am! I just couldn't tell you in person that I had cancer. It was discover in it's early stages but it still couldn't be stopped. It all started when we moved away from our old neighborhood. We had such wonerful advatures together.... I'll never forget them. Actually what I wanted to say it that.... I love you Y/N-chan. I love you more then just a friend. I know this maybe sounds silly but I loved you since we were children. I guess since then my love for you just continued to grow. I don't want you to be sad now! I just wanted to tell you.... that's all. And I want you to find someone who will love you deeply Y/N-chan and be happy for the rest of your life!

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