Chapter Twenty

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The two packs gathered together in the large room, people everywhere, laughing, making friends and chatting. Everyone was laughing except from me, my son and Mason. Nobody except us knew the real reason we were all gathered here.

"You ready?" Mason asked me as we stood from our chairs, everyone fell silent and looked towards me and Mason. I nodded my head as I turned my focus towards the large room of people.

"As you all know my daughter Mia has been missing for a while now, we have now got knowledge of her whereabouts." I pointed my hand towards Mason for him to continue. Everyone in the room paused and turned to face the pack as the scent of a vampire filled the room. I looked down and seen Henry Baker, Mias teacher standing in the crowd. He told us everything that had happened before she left, I wasn't chuffed about it all but what can I do, I have bigger problems right now like finding her.

I smiled at him briefly, signalling his presence was okay so everyone turned back around knowing it was okay. I looked back at Mason waiting for him to speak.

He nodded "Last night when I went to the Fireball Packs land for the event, I found my mate there, Mia..." everyone gasped and smiled brightly "She was with the alpha of the pack Damon. I witnessed him beat her, sexually assault her and threaten her but I couldn't do anything about it, Damon is telling Mia that they are mates, but we know they are not." I stood there and listened to the words I found so hard to hear. To know my baby girl was going through all of that and I couldn't help her absolutely broke my heart and made me feel like I was failing as a father.

He looked back at me with a sad smile as  I continued, "Before Mia got kidnapped a series of events happened which all involved Damon, in which we found out that he was having the help of a witch to put the necessary spells on Mia, like the sparks for example, she tried to get away from Damon then which then led to him kidnapping her, he's not going to let her go easily so we have a plan to get her back to her real mate and back home where she belongs!" The crowd was no longer laughing and chatting like before, everyone looked so angry especially Henry who looked like he was going to kill someone right now.

"Tonight we are going to attack the fireball pack, there is two packs here, over 1400 members, two alphas, a future alpha and four betas." I said positively knowing that I was the strongest alpha in the world I had a lot of hope I'd get my girl back.

"And there's also everyone in my clan, plus me the king." Henry's loud voice filled the room making everyone's heads shoot around to look at him in the middle of the room where he stood "You sure about this?" I questioned him, a vampire clan have never ever joined forces before.

"Never been more sure about anything in my whole life!" he replied instantly, speaking loud and clear so everybody could hear. I was kind of glad he offered his help because the more people we had the better, the more chance we had of getting Mia back.

"I guess it's settled then, the vampires will join us, I have the strongest, largest and most powerful pack in the world, and with all of you joining with us, there no way a small pack like the fireballs can overcome us!" I said loudly in encouragement, making everyone shout 'no way' and 'let's do this' in response as me and Mason glanced at each other cautiously.

I raised my hand for silence. And that's what I got complete silence.

"At precisely 9pm, we leave for the fireballs land, we should arrive around 10:15pm then we will rest for 15 minutes. Once rested we circle the pack house, since everyone is distracted, my beta Cody and Mason's beta Cameron will sneak in through the back window and get Mia. They will take her to the airport where they will hide on the private plane, once they're gone, everyone will retreat back to the pack house." I pause for a minute to let the words settle with everyone. "Me and Mason will follow Clayton and Dave, the two second betas, over to the airport, where Mason and his two betas will take Mia back to Thailand with them. The rest of his pack will stay here for a further day as we will be going back to kill Damon and that's all that you need to know for now, you will all be updated again after that." The plan was a lot simpler inside of my head, I just everyone who had an important role knew what to do.

"So everyone go get prepared for tonight!" Mason said before screams and shouts erupted everywhere as people evacuated the large room.  Tonight is going to be one hell of a night.


(Photo) Henry, Mason and David

(External Link) Recap of all the Characters {Names&Pictures} and a tour of Mia's house.

(Note) who do you ship as a couple?

Mamon (Mia and Damon)

Miason (Mia and Mason)

Menry (Mia and Henry)

Comment and tell me who and why!

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