Chapter 27 Steve Ingrid The Long Lost Love

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~Officer Steve Ingrid~

Can anyone actually find a replacement for a lost loved ones?

Isn't there a difference between things and human beings?


Steve Ingrid clutched the bits of his hair in frustration. The papers and files scattered around his desk wasn't helping the mess of the case his handling.

And being the youngest detective on the age of 30 throughout the crime department wasn't helping either. Everyone wanted something great out of him. Something mind blowing that always appeared on tv screen but life had always been anything but movies.

His young, he has the looks and he definitely have the body but that doesn't mean they can go around and expect him to banished crimes in town like Superman or something.

Since the days he become a detective, his life is nothing but miserable.

People missing, rape, murder, suicide, and a bunch of things that is unknown to his existence that even the police department didn't teach him when he was training.

Its nothing that he had expected. He became a police officer for a number of reason but those reason is just something that he created so that the job sounds more interesting. Which of course is not.

The death of his husband was probably one of the most unreasonable things that had happen. Its a surprise to this days that he didn't climb on a stool and hang himself in his bedroom where they had spent most of their time together.

The loss is of course another one of God's cruel joke. How he manage to live and see the sun to these days, he will never know and he didn't want to go through it again. It was too painful that the line of his heart felt like they were cut one at a time every single moment he thinks about his love. His dead love.

That morning and just like every morning, he would kiss him passionately, whispering love words as if it was the first day they had fallen in love even if it had been five years since they were together. Hugging, kissing, touching. Every small detail of gesture ignite their passion for each other and the burning heat sparks that it was almost impossible for Steve to leave for work without a push and pull game.

But he had come home that exact day and it had been different. He open the door and the house was trashed upside down but then there his love was...lying on the ground in the living room. His bloody dead body holding their crying son.

His husband was robbed and murdered cruelly. He was protecting their son but a wrong turn of event had cause him his life. They had not been able to catch the criminal cause the cctv had been sprayed black but that day, he wasn't the only one who had lost everything.

Three houses from him live a couple with two boys. The mother sadly was killed and shot on the chest when she was all alone in the house. The department close the case as a house break crime because of the missing of some item in the house.

But that was 2 years ago. Let's not get all emotional and just focus on the present.

"Hey Steve." Officer Howard called him from the entrance door.

"Yeah?" Steve looked up to his big bulky partner who's fit enough to be a body builder. He had been scaring the wild teenagers in the neighbourhood and funny how all the kids there were stupid enough to actually let him get to them. This man maybe look intimidating on the outside but he definitely have a little flower garden in the inside.

"I'm gonna go home. You finished? Laura's making spaghetti tonight."

"Nah...I'm good. I still have a couple of things to go through. You go ahead. Say hi to Laura and the kids for me."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Don't worry about it. Go home. Get some rest."

"Well, if you say so. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah. Bye."

Officer Howard open the door and vanished through the tinted mirrors. Steve let out a heavy breath and pick up one of the pictures again.

He studied the photo that had been disturbing him since the first day he had laid eyes on them. This beautiful boy has been appearing in his dream, that's for sure.

He studied how perfectly line the structure of Edward Dawson's face is. How it seems mesmerizing and taunted in his eyes.

That can't be true. He never even meet the boy and to top it all, Edward is kidnapped by a sick human being. He had his suspect but there's no justice if you can't show them. He needs proof. A big one for sure.

The thought of someone to actually take this boy away from his own family at such a young age was no doubt a very cruel thing to do. Its been half a year since his missing and they still can't find any clue about his whereabout.

He throw the picture on the desk and wipe his face in exhaustion.

Benjamin. The one person he suspect strongly to be involved in this kidnapping. But that guy is so popular and kind to everyone that its ridiculous how he can't even get a single dirt about him. The people in this town worship him. If they didn't say his a good guy then they would say that his a very responsible teenager. Even if after both of his parents had died tragically in a car accident when he was 15.

He had learn that they were going to another city to spend their small trip together. Steve also learned that the information came from Benjamin himself. His word were considered the truth since his the only one person who knows where they went.

But then, in the middle of the road, the couples car had a break failure and crash down a hill. Since they were no cars or other witnesses to see the accident, their body were found a week later.

But by then, both of the couples dead body was dragged and eaten by snakes and dogs. A couple of travellers in the dessert found the car and when help came, they found the husband body under a tree a couple of miles away and the wife, on top of a hill.

But then again, they were only bones and strong foul of stenched were left. No fingers or faces or even their private part. When the story spread through the town and a funeral was held, everyone had do what they can to help Benjamin live.

Funny enough how he has no other siblings or other family members to take care of him. So, for a moment he was send to an orphan house. But after, his mother and father friend had agreed to temporarily adopt him and ask to live with them. That means that he use to live together with Edward.

After he reach 18, he move out of the house and went to stay at his old ones. After a couple of month moving out, Edward went missing.

There's this weird coincidence that Officer Steve can't quite put it into words but he is so sure that there's just something going on with that guy. His gut keeps yelling at him for no reason whatsoever and when you're a crime detective, there's nothing more right then you're own gut.

He close Benjamin Evan files as he had go through it for the tenth time that day. He needed to get something peculiar from the incident but nothing pop. It was flawless. The incident. As if it was truly a work of faith.

He let out a heavy breath again and decided that it was probably time to go home. Its almost 10 and only a couple of people were left. He grab his coat, wallet and car key as he trudge towards the door and out of the office.

He left with a heavy heart when he realize he still can't find out where Edward is or where to find him. This strange burden feelings is tremendously very tiring and exhausting.

He had promise his late husband to protect and safe people from danger and that is a promise he would most likely kept for life.

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