Chapter 3 History of A Psycopath I

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Hello beautiful readers. Thank u for being here n reading this story. It means a lot to me that u would have the decency to actually use your time and read this. I love u guys.

The references that I would be using is not mine and do not belong to me as they are the right of the people who wrote it the internet.

The ridiculously hot guy is crazy Benjamin. Yeah..for those who still don't get it, the guy is fucking crazy. Enjoy.

Psychopathy is among the most difficult disorders to spot. The psychopath can appear normal, even charming. Underneath, they lack conscience and empathy, making them manipulative, volatile and often (but by no means always) criminal. They are an object of popular fascination and clinical anguish: adult psychopathy is largely impervious to treatment, though programs are in place to treat callous, unemotional youth in hopes of preventing them from maturing into psychopaths.

The terms "psychopath" and "sociopath" are often used interchangeably, but in correct parlance a "sociopath" refers to a person with antisocial tendencies that are ascribed to social or environmental factors, whereas psychopathic traits are more innate, though a chaotic or violent upbringing may tip the scales for those already predisposed to behave psychopathic-ally.  Both constructs are most closely represented in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) as Antisocial Personality Disorder.

           Benjamin and Edward are now young teens. 12 years old and the friendship they share has never  been more stronger. As well as Benjamin's undying love for Edward. It had been years since he realized. Benjamin felt  conflicted by the fact that Edward still hasn't voiced that he loved him. They were supposedly destined to love each other; it was meant to be, Benjamin had thought. All Edward did was shrugged his shoulder and say that the word didn't feel right. It angered Ben but he loved him and would never do anything to hurt him. Or so he thought.

 After seeing his parents have hostile intercourse, as he soon to realized, Benjamin still quietly heard them in the dead of night. It wasn't difficult to get around the house. The room alone were only about several feet away from each other. It was small. The sound of his momma and papa panting resonated through the walls and reached him. The sex was  violent; more harsh. So dangerous it had once almost killed his her.

As he grew older, he seems to understand what they were doing more thoroughly. They were fucking. Call it whatever you like, but to Benjamin it aroused him every time he watched or heard it. 

See, Ben were growing up to be a man. A man with sexual needs, and those needs needed to be fulfilled one way or another. And the closest person to help him endeavored those needs were Eddie. Every inch of Edward's curvy line put Ben in a daze. His pink lips enraged something in him and every time they had playfully tickled one another, his hands always ventured  further than they should have. Oh, and that sweet, sweet change: puberty.

Taller, bigger, and stronger. Light peach fuzz masked his jaw-line made him irresistible. Not to mention his penis. It was getting bigger. He was only 12. But the body changes didn't bother him.How he wished to have Edward under him, crying and screaming as he fuck him. Just like what papa did to momma. Just like that, exactly like that. But he knew that he couldn't do that until Edward loved him back. He would wait. But of course, no matter how patient a man is, he still had his limits and Benjamin's patience was dangling on a thin, thin thread.

Jennifer Cole. The prettiest girl in school. They were in the same class and Jennifer kept glancing at Benjamin when he'd catch her eye. They would smile at each other when no one was looking. When Edward wasn't looking.

       One day, Jennifer invited Benjamin to her house. As a very horny teenager, how could he say no. They went up to her room and they would kiss. Using tongue. At that moment, Benjamin thought it was amazing. The incredible sensations he felt when he would suck and nibble on Jennifer's tongue. But of course the thought of doing the same thing to Edward lingered in his mind and made him hot just thinking about it. From that moment, every so often, Benjamin would go to Jennifer's house and make out. Lying to Edward about his whereabouts, saying that he was with his other buddies, playing video games. Since Edward wasn't really into those kind of things, he never bothered on checking up with Benjamin. Or even ask  about it.

Curiosity killed the cat, but ignorance was the death of Edward.

More years passed and Ben noticed that his features attracted almost anyone who looked his way. They were nice to him and even invited him for parties. They would praise him and give  him those pats on the back of his shoulders which he loved most. Everything he did, would make people scream his name and encourage him to do better. Benjamin knew what he was. He liked it. In fact it gave him strength .

 He was as a matter of fact, POPULAR.

But not Edward. Edward was an outcast. Nobody liked him. He was too freakishly skinny. Too quiet. Too anxious about everything. When two people are no longer together, it drifts them apart. And in the chapter of Edward and Benjamin's life, they were no longer a connection .

But Ben loves him. He knew that. He knew that he wanted nothing in this world but Eddie to be his and only his. Edward belonged to him. They were meant for each other.  He would even testify against the Lord's order if it meant having Edward by his side. So he did what any selfish and  unstable person would do.  

He kept him as a secret. Friends in hiding.

 Edward proudly dealt with it because he didn't want to lose Ben either. He has no friend and secret or not, they grew up together and that is just something he can hold on to. Though he might have had a little crush on Benjamin, he would never dare say it to him because it would downright affect the friendship they had. Plus, Ben were straight. He liked all the girls that walked up to him and touched him. He loved the attention. The thought pained his heart but what was he supposed to do? They barely met and talked anymore. 

Nevertheless, Eddie was getting tired of it. Ben seems to care less about their friendship over the years and so, he stopped trying to mend their broken friendship. Little did innocent Edward knows what deepest, darkest secret lured in Benjamin's mind. In fact he had no idea at all.

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