Chapter 4 History of A Psycopath II

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          It was that one night that changed everything for Edward and Benjamin. The pure and innocent friendship that they once have turned fatal and most likely deathly. There was no one to blame but themselves. 

Edward is the son of a lawyer and a vet. His dad is the famous lawyer in town while his mom is a generous and loving vet the town has. The only one. So the work kept them from spending time with him.

Benjamin had other friends to hang out with. They didn't like Eddie so he couldn't hang out with Benjamin while they were around. That made him lonely, very lonely. Until one day, the loneliness strangled him so much that he felt that he was suffocating. He was depressed and he knew that. He was hurting because no one would want to be with him; to spend time with him.

But enough is enough. He didn't want to be left alone. He needed to do something about it. Take action, have some courage, as that is what he would read in those books that dad kept buying him.

Edward would call Benjamin and asked him to hang out. At first Eddie would asked Benjamin if he wanted to go to the lake and dive but Benjamin said he was helping his dad with the barn. Benjamin was panting and breathing heavily over the phone so Edward trusted his words and let it go. Soon, the loneliness came knocking on his door again.

But in reality,  Benjamin wasn't helping his dad. In fact his parents weren't even at home that day. They went into town to get some errands out of the way. So he invited Jennifer to his house and had sex on his bed. He felt ridiculously guilty for lying to Edward. He wanted to accept the offer. He wanted to see Edward and have fun with him but when he was busy shoving his dick into a girl's hole, it was way too good to stop. He had no choice. He had to carry on and he did.

The routines and patterns were obvious. Edward would invite Benjamin and he would decline the offer, giving him excuses, giving Edward false hope. Sometimes they would hang out but that ratio would be 1:100. Edward knew he would soon reach his limit. He may had been calm and collected but he was not stupid. He wasn't  going to let himself wait for Benjamin empty  promises just so he could still have him as a friend. He couldn't . He wouldn't stoop so low.

So he picked up the phone and called Benjamin. After a few ring, Benjamin answered.

''Hey Ed. Can't really talk right now. What's up?''

Edward could hear loud and various voices on the other line  which meant he was at a party. 

''Can we hang out? We could go eat at that diner you always liked. Remember? You used to love the food there.'' Edward tried to sound excited as well but who was he kidding. He was badly hurt inside.

''Yeah...I remember. They really have some nice food there. But I don't think I can make it Ed. I'm hanging out with the guys, but tell you about we go-.''

''Fuck you! I don't ever want to see your face ever again. YOU HEAR ME?!''

With that, Edward ended the call and cried in misery. He had only hoped that Benjamin would notice how lonely he was. How abandoned he felt... but apparently Benjamin was the same as everyone else. A liar.

            Benjamin was shocked. His mouth agape as he tried to process what was happening. The thought of Edward hating him and never wanting  to see him again sickened him. Edward never yelled at him. Ever. If they fought, He would always  be the one to back down and apologize first. Even if it was his fault. But this...this was new to him and he refused to lose Edward.

That eventful night, Benjamin went to Edward's house and knocked on the door. He knew Edward parents wouldn't be at home. They never were, but unfortunately, that never bothered him. It never occurred in his mind how Edward would feel about it.

 Edward had opened the door, but when he had seen who it was, he quickly tried to slam the door close, but Benjamin put his feet between it and pushed it back inside  hard making Edward stumble back and fall. 

''Shit I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that.'' Benjamin had reached  down to get Edward back up on his feet but only to be ignored.

''What do you want? I though I said I don't want to see your face anymore.'' Edward had gotten up with a scowl on his face as he tried to calm down.

''Look. I'm sorry if I did anything to hurt you but I promise it was never my intention. I swear. Don't do this Ed. You're my friend. I...I...I love you.''

Edward smirked at Benjamin's attempt to fix things.

Then it happened. Something erupted inside of Ben. Something dangerous. Something quite deadly. Knowing that Edward was making fun of him, making a fool out of him. But he was apologizing, so he ignored the feeling and keep his calm demeanor.

''Don't sweat it Ben. Its over. I thought you cared about me but your just the same as everyone else. You abandoned me.''

''No that's not true. I do....I do care about you. I always did.''

''Then why the hell would I feel so lonely huh!?  If you did care, I wouldn't be feeling any of this, instead I would be grateful because at least I have someone that cares about me. Even if its just you asshole! Now get the fuck out!'' Edward pushed Benjamin making him stumble back.

Benjamin was speechless. He didn't know what to do. He was angry. No, he was furious. He didn't want to lose Edward. He couldn't live with that fact.

''Eddie stop.'' Benjamin was trying to stop Edward from pushing him out  the door but Edward kept pushing and beating his chest, making Ben seethe in anger.

''Stop.'' Edward was still pushing him.

''Stop.'' He asked again.

Edward's beatings got more forceful.

''Stop. Stop. stop! STOP! STOP! STOP!!!STOP!!!''

By that time, Benjamin had already lost what little insanity he had. Edward stopped beating his chest, shocked at his reaction. His eyes widened and he was terrified. He had never seen Benjamin acting like this. It petrified him. 

Benjamin's nose was flaring and his eyes reflected the rage rising within him. 

He had lost it. All those years waiting for Edward to confess his love for him. His patience had finally snapped. In the end, it was all for nothing. He looked at Edward in hatred, and the next thing he knew, he had punched Edward in the face. 

Edward fell to the ground, His nose  bleeding. He felt a bit dizzy but didn't think that this would have been the time to pass out, so he got up and tried to flee, But Benjamin caught him by the hair and jerked his body back, slamming him into his legs. Benjamin kicked Edward back and turned his body to the side, exposing a new spot for Benjamin to kick.

Benjamin clenched his teeth as he kept kicking and spitting at Edward. He knew he was hurting Edward and that Edward was feeling pain, but strangely, he didn't feel sympathy for him. He didn't feel sorry for whatever he was doing. Actually...he kinda liked it.

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