Pic-Dr's girls and ultrasound Chapter 13

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It's been two weeks since my baby shower. I've set up a bag for when she arrives, I wanna be ready. I just got from taking pictures. Like when pregnant women take pictures wirh their bump out. I love my pictures, Jermain and my mama was in some of them. I bought some frames and hung the pictures up on my wall. I wanted to go to the movies tonight, but ever since I got pregnant I don't like going out that much. But I have my appointment today. And this time I will be going by myself. I put on some black high waisted jeans and my shirt that said my mama got back with my brown uggs.

 I put on some black high waisted jeans and my shirt that said my mama got back with my brown uggs

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I grab my wallet and keys and go to burger King because my mama was at work. I just order a blueberry smoothie and a hash brown. After that I go to my appointment. I sign myself in and sit down. It's this one girl that I see when I  go sometimes. And today she's here. I go sit by her and introduce myself. We talk for a while then I get called to the back. But before I go to the back she gives me her number. When I get to the back my same nurse askes me some questions. Then for a while she talk's to me about Jermain. She askes if we really love each other and if I would let Jermain be in Reagan's life. I told her I would then after a while she had to leave.

Then Dr.Wellen came in. It must have been bring your daughters to work day because she was holding a 1 year old and a 4 year old was walking behind her. They were so cute. She introduced them to me and introduced me to them. The 4 year old name was Zaniyah and the 1 year old's name was Courtney. She made them sit down while she asked me questions. But when she was asking the questions she let me hold Courtney for practice when my baby comes. Then I got to hold Zaniyah even though she wasn't a baby. After the questions she did the ultrasound. My baby was still a little bit tiny but she was big enough and I was ready for her. "Oh honey." Dr.Wellen says looking at the screen hard. "What!" I say about to panic. "Your baby is gonna be premature. Do you remember how you said you smoked and had alcohol. Well that's why the baby will be premature." "Oh my gosh, my baby." I said holding my chest where my heart was. ",And since she's  premature she might have some problems at Birth or for the rest of her life." When she said that my heart droped. "What kinda problems will she have?" I ask looking worried. "Well first you know she's gonna be little. She could have lung problems. And chances are when she is born she might have asthma or can't breath right when first delivered." "Okay Doctor see you later. Bye Zaniyah, bye Courtney." I say waving. "Take care." Dr.Wellen says. "I will." I drive home immediately and tell my mama the news. She just tells me it'll be okay. She is gonna pray. Then I call Aniyah and Jermain and tell them the news. And they both say they got my back don't worry to much about it.

I get some cookies and go up to my room. I eat those and go through every thing I have for the baby. I just look at it and think will my baby be okay. Then I get back in my feelings about it and cry myself to sleep.

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