Chapter 5

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After school Aniyah went home then I went home to get dressed. I put on a blue pencil skirt with a brown shirt. I tuck the shirt in my skirt and put on some brown ankle boots. Then put on some mascara,blush,eyeliner then some dark red lipstick. I call Aniyah and she tells me she's outside. "Mama, can I go hand out with Aniyah." I ask her while she uses the bathroom. "Sure." " Thanks mama!" Then I walk out the house. I was so glad she was using the rest room because if she wasn't she would have saw what I had on.

We pull up to the house where the party is, 10 minutes later. "I'm about to go find Andrew (Aniyah's boyfriend) , you go find you a man while we here girll." Aniyah said as we walked in. The house was so big and it was alot of people there. They had peolpe passing hookah tubes,girls flashing their boobs, and people just acting wild. But I know in a few hours I would be acting the same. I walk to the kitchen and a girl with long blonde hair gives me a red cup. She says it's " Vodka mixed with beer, try it." I look at her for 2 seconds and think if it would effect the baby. Nahh the baby barely even grew yet. "Ok" I tell her then chug it down. "Ooh, give me more ." I scream over the music. A few hours later I stop drinking and start walking around the house. As I start to walk out the back door leading to the patio I feel a hand smack my butt hard. "Hey ma!" A dude says. I turn around. "Dude what the fuck are you doing." I give him a stupid stare. "You got a boyfriend?"

"No but that don't mean nothing." I say while rolling my eyes "Come smoke in the back yard with me, they're passing the good stuff out there. I make a ugly face at him but give in,might as well have a little fun "I didn't catch your name." I say looking at him. " Jermain" he says smirking. "Well come on Mr.Jermain." and we walk outside. We sit down in the circle and the hookah bottle gets passed around. This isn't my first time so let the fun begin..... for the 5th time. After a while we go back in and sit on the couch and watch a movie with some other kids. I end up falling asleep.

Author's Note
Hey , I should update soon. Hope you enjoyed 🤓😜😘

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