Chapter 17

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(Three days Later)


‘Hey babe,” I said,. answering my phone, smiling across the cafe table;e at Denise.

“hey sweetie, what are you doing?” Joe asked, gently.

“Sitting with your mom, having lunch,” i said, making Denise giggled.

“Whoa, wait your what?!” he asked, in shock, ‘Are you okay?! Are you hurt?” I laughed.

“No.. Joe.. we’re fine, she’s helping me out...” I said.

“Wow, how did this happen?!” he asked. I giggled and went on to tell him about the past two days, our talk, the way we’ve been hanging out, the baby shopping online, the Fastlife promotion we’ve been doing....

“Aww, man, baby that means so much to me...” he said, and I swear I heard im choking up.

“I know it does, how was your show last night?” I asked.

“Amazing, this is gonna be insane, I can’t wait for this to all go through...” He said, “Only a couple more weeks till the album babe..” he said.

“I know Joey, I’m so excited and so proud of you...”

“I know you are and I’m so proud to have you...” he responded, ‘Oh.. before I forget, the fans, have been asking about you...”

“Oh yeah?!” I asked, excitedly, ‘good or bad.....

“Wondering if you would ever forgive them for being so harsh mostly...” he said, “They love how happy that you’ve made me, brought me back to the old Joe, before Camilla...” I smiled to myself and sighed.

“I’m glad, and of course I still adore them.. i understand their doubts, you’ve been hurt so much.....” I said.

‘ “i love you Malls, your just amazing..” he said, ‘So uh.. I talked to Dad today, before I called you...”

“Oh god, and?” I asked.

“I uh.. he said he is ready to reveal your pregnancy... if you and I are ready to tell everyone...” he said.

“Oh, really?!” I asked, “Well, do you want people to know?!”

“Of course, I’m not ashamed of the lvoe we’ve created, malls,’ he said, ‘That’s my child in that belly of yours, and I am not even close to caring if it upsets teh press...”

“Then tell him to go ahead...” I said, “Denise was gonna have me ask anyways.. She wants to go look at the Land of Nod for baby sets....”

“Well, shop away, babe, I’ll let dad know..” he said, “I love you and I will talk to you soon.”

“Okay, I love you too...” I said, “Talk to you tonight maybe?”

‘I will try my damndest baby...” he siad, before we hung up. i smiled over at Denise and she smiled back.

“How is my son?” she asked. I smiled and picked at my BLT.

“Wonderful..... We got the go ahead to not hide teh pregnancy..” I said, ‘From Papa J...”

“That’s wonderful dear,” she said, ‘i guess we go shopping huh?” I smiled and nodded. We laughed and talked a bit, about the style I wanted for the nursery and the colors, which we decided to do nuetrals, because neither Joe or I wanted to know what the sex of the baby was till delivery. So Yellows, greens, reds, blues, a mix of things, maybe ducks, under water theme.. that sorta thing...

After going shopping for a bit teh press finally caught up to us as I was stepping into a maternity store. Motherhood, one of the best all over the country. Oh yeah, I think that did it, because immediately as Denise opened that door, the questions were coming at us, and teh flashes went insane.

“Mallory, are you pregnant?! Is it Joe’s?! Denise do you support her?! Will she be wlecomed into teh Jonas family now. Mallory are you scared?1 Is Joe supporting you,” were a few. I just giggled adn went in to grab some clothes, that HIGHLY accentuated my baby bump. So i wore one out, beaming brightly as we walked out.

“Mallory, how far along are you?!’ one asked, “When are you due?! Why isn’t Joe home?! Is he excited?!”

“Joe and I are both very excited,” I said, “He’s on tour, doing what he loves. We still have a long ways to go yet...” The questions continued, but that was all I was saying for now...”

After arriving back at Joe and I’s Winston greeted us at the door, barkign and lickign my hand, as I bent over to give him loves.

“hey boy...” I said. He looked behind me as if looking for Joe, and I sighed, “I know sweetie, Joe will be home soon... Only a few more days...” He whimpered but laid down, and rolled over for Denise to scratch his belly.

“Hey sweet dog,” she said, letting him lick her chin. I giggled and went in to the living room to plop down. Good lord, I felt like a house already.

I smiled as Denise got her phone out and pointed the little camera at Winston and I, handing me a piece of paper, holding up a 16 for 16 weeks, and smiled. I held it up with Winny next to me and then she hit a few buttons. I assumed she was sending it to Joe, but sure enough my phone beeped.

“@DeniseJonas: My first grand baby inside @MallsHeartsJoe’s belly @joejonas is so excited, we all are...” it read. I looked up at Denise and smiled.

“I figured Papa J would get upset if one of you did it, so I did...” she said, softly, hugging me. I got a tweet immediately from Joe.

“@joejonas: @MallsHeartsJoe Oh my god, baby, your getting so big....When is your next appt?!” he asked. I giggled and replied.

“@joejonas tomorrow sweetie.... “ i replied.

“@MallsHeartsJoe well, keep me updated, you look beautiful babe...” he answered. I smiled and got me and Winny all settled on the couch. So there it was, Joe was thrilled me and his mother are talking, our secret is out, and now I could just be happy, enjoy my pregnancy and wait for Joe to return home... This was gonna be a long three days.”

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