||Chapter 37||

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||Chapter 37||

<|Third Age 2974|>

It is two months later that plays a continued host to pregnancy shenanigans and Endor's frustrations. Given the overprotectiveness of dwarves, and especially Thorin Oakenshield, Endor has been prohibited to help Thorin in running the kingdom, leaving the Queen's duty to Balin. The dwarf king seems daft when it comes to this ordeal, as no harm can truly come to a child when ruling, but Thorin will not see sense. And thus, Endor has been shipped off to the duties of a typical woman, passed from one company to the next as Thorin fears what Endor will do if she is alone. At this point, she's tempted to dye all his clothing pink.

So here she sits, within the dining hall of Erebor, with Kili and Fili. Why she cannot be alone and yet, she can spend hours with the two nephews, Endor does not truly understand. Honestly, she's more likely to get in trouble with them around than if she is by herself.

"No, Kili, the child will not be named after you!" Endor shouts, her frustration evident as the prince brings up the topic of many conversations over the weeks. Perhaps it's the hormones that make Endor so snippity, but she believes it to be the irritating factor of this continued argument and Kili's overall ignorance.

"But, think of the prestige! And it's bound to be handsome if it's named after me!" Kili shouts back, exemplifying his sole argument for this whole ordeal. If anything, it makes his point all the more ridiculous.

"That is not how it works," Endor responds, shaking her head at the dwarfling who is getting on her last nerve, yet serving to entertain her. These past two months have easily been the most boring of Endor's life (and that's saying something when she comes from the Shire), and yet, she has never been happier than in these times.

"I think it is," Kili counters, that cheeky grin evident on his cheeks and winding across his mouth. Endor, noticing Fili's absence from the conversation, looks over to the older Prince, only to find him staring at a young dwarrowdam nearby. And suddenly, Endor has her newest hobby for the weeks to come.

"No," Endor responds, knowingly starting a bickering war between her and Kili.

"Yes," Kili says, the stubbornness of the individuals equal in all ways, and consequently spelling danger for this argument.

"No--" Endor says, her voice hitching at the end as strong arms pick her up and cart her away from Kili. The prince laughs at this, as he always does, waving at Endor as Fili drones out at his side. Looking upward, Endor gazes upon her husband, his eyes focused ahead of him with such conviction that it seems unfitting that he is carrying his pregnant wife. People would look at this encounter strangely, but it is a common incident...making Endor huff in irritation.

"Must we do this again?" Endor questions, having found this incident humorous the first time, but it is getting old rather quickly.

"It's been a long day," Thorin replies, not sparing her a glance as he continues moving through the halls and nearer to their room, the sunset sky sending a glow onto the walls nearby.

"Maybe if you let me help..." Endor drawls, irritated at all the actions of the king. First, he forces her into early retirement, during which she has to spend hours with the irritating nephews. Now, he is complaining about all the work he has? She becomes more and more certain that dwarves lack all sense.

"Not until you have the baby. Then you can share the burden with me," Thorin says, finally coming to look at his pretty wife whose face is twisted in irritation with him. And though it is a negative reaction to his actions, Thorin cannot help smiling at the radiant and stubborn woman, all his own.

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