||Chapter 25||

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||Chapter 25||

<|Third Age 2974|>

The newly founded company is up and out of Rivendell almost as early as on the previous journey, dawn breaking over their backs as they take the hidden pathway to the West. Thorin and his dwarves are their typical grouchy mess in the early morning, whereas the wizard and hobbits are as jolly as ever. Endor seems to feel no pain as she skips upward on the path, baffling the grumpy Thorin as he watches for her safety.

After much twisting, ducking, and weaving, the group finds themselves in the opening cave from which the previous Company slid and the goblin fell. But this poses a new problem for Thorin: how ever are they meant to climb such a slippery slope? The last time Thorin checked, he was not a nimble elf.

"Now, what do we do?" Fili asks, looking up the slope as if it is an impermeable Smaug and the greatest feat a dwarf has had to face. Endor laughs lightly at the expression, feeling no hindrance in her ability to climb the slide.

"The hobbits are more agile. They will climb up then let a rope down. I am sure they can manage to get Dwalin up, who then can help the rest of us," Gandalf says, looking at Endor and Bilbo with eyes that both ask permission and command them to help. Gandalf ought to be called the commanding wizard, though Saruman must be worse.

"Sounds do-able," Endor says before scaling up the slide nimbly and in seconds. The dwarves gape at her ability, wondering whether she is truly a mortal, and not some divine goddess. How is it possible to climb this?

"I swear she is part monkey," Thorin remarks, looking at the place where Endor disappeared to, and wishing to be up there as well. She is alone in the wild, and he fears for her safety even now.

"All hobbits are," Bilbo addresses Thorin before climbing up the slate almost as quickly, hindered slightly by his lack of experience in climbing. But the two are successful in the task, making Gandalf grin proudly at the hobbits he so likes.

"We're throwing down the rope!" Endor shouts from above as a thick rope comes toppling down the slide and Endor's head peeks out from above. She sends a grin to the others before gesturing for Dwalin to grab on.

"Alright, lass and lad!" Dwalin shouts as he begins climbing the rope. His heavy boots and armor do not hinder him from climbing fairly well without their help, until he gets to the exponentially steeper portion where he falls and forces the two small halflings to pull him upward.

"You need to go on an elvish diet," Endor tells Dwalin as they finally pull him over the ledge of the slide. Rubbing her back, she watches as Dwalin help the remainder of the company up, Thorin's eyes surveying her body for injuries. Endor rolls her eyes, as she can defend herself if the need comes.

"Perfect, now it is just a matter of finding that old troll cave," Gandalf says, casting a hand above his eyes as he gazes West across the plains. With the wind and whirling grasses, Endor is overcome with a sense of wanderlust and freedom.

"May we run?" Endor asks the wizard, jumping between the balls of her feet in the sudden feelings stirring through her.

"I've run these plains once before...I do not need to do that again in this lifetime," Thorin tells her, wishing to deny this option bluntly, yet not wanting to ruin Endor's attitude by his rash words. He prefers the woman when she is happy, yet loves her in any attitude.

"Then I will carry you. Please, I really want to run," Endor begs, between both Thorin and Gandalf. The dwarf king is surprised that the wizard is not denying her yet, given his old age. And yet, Thorin does believe that Gandalf is more athletically inclined than all of them together.

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