||Chapter 30||

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||Chapter 30||

<|Third Age 2974|>

The eagles are a blessing for all of the Company and no more than for Thorin Oakenshield and Bilbo Baggins. It becomes clearer than ever before that Endor and Frodo are siblings, for, even despite the large difference in age, they act like children. The dwarf king and hobbit burglar resemble each other greatly, at least in form, as they hold the children in their seats and listen to their conversation. Whereas Endor complains of her boredom on the flight, Frodo continues blabbering on about the landmarks below and his excitement to see "Hair-a-bore." Bilbo wants to laugh, but that would be rude.

And thus, both males silently praise the eagles when they make quick time of arriving at the entrance to Erebor. Ruffling their feathers in the slight breeze and tilting their necks, the birds treat this journey as a simple warm-up lap around Middle Earth. Endor originally felt bad due to the fact that they had to carry heavy dwarves, but that was brushed away by the winds of Erebor.

Sliding off the back of the eagle once he makes a complete stop (Thorin had to be reassured of this before letting her go), Endor reaches a hand out to Thorin in a gesture to help him down. And though he is slightly tempted to take it at first, that disappears at the cheshire grin on her face, as if he needs her help getting down from the bird. And thus, Thorin slides to the ground with great ease, chin raised in pride as Endor rolls her eyes.

Endor reaches upward from her small position and towards the bags strapped to the eagles back. However, they are so high in the air, she is left wondering how in the world any dwarf placed them there. A hand stops her pondering soon enough, as Thorin turns her around with a serious look to his handsome features.

"You go ahead while I unpack the bird. I'll catch up with you," he says, prompting Endor to send him a slight glare, as if he is doubting her ability. However, Thorin is not doing this at all. Rather, he knows that this task will take twice as long if he allows her help, for more reasons than one.

Pushing her slightly back to the gate, Endor relents to his wishes and skips off towards the awaiting 'Welcome Committee.' Sidling up beside Dwalin, Endor observes no noticeable difference in the facade of the kingdom. It's not that she does not trust Balin...rather, she does not trust this era in which they live.

"Fili!" the voice of the brother shouts as brown and blond collide in a hug. Endor grins happily at the two of them, watching the identical grin on Tauriel's face as she moves towards the two brothers. The eleth is surprised by Fili's embrace of his soon-to-be-family, yet Endor knows that Tauriel will soon come to find that the dwarves are very touchy.

"Balin, I see that everything is still standing," Endor says as she approaches the singular dwarf nearest the door, smiling as she embraces his old yet immortal body. They got off on the wrong foot, that much is sure, but if Endor is to be with Thorin, she must learn to accept Balin for his faults, or his irritations.

"Aye lass, there is not much news from here," Balin responds, patting her back easily as she pulls away with a grin. But this dissolves into panic and then giggles as Bofur's arms pull her backwards and into a group hug. A portion of the Company huddles around her in a line for their hugs, numbering Ori, Oin, and Bombur. Where the others are, Endor cannot be sure, though work seems to be the most plausible location.

"Dora!" the brown-haired dwarf prince shouts as he grabs her around the waist and swings her around in a circle. The girl laughs like a maniac, even as her feet hit the ground and she turns into a proper hug with the dwarfling of a friend.

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