||Chapter 31||

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||Chapter 31||

<|Third Age 2974|>

Unlike many days before, though there are not many, Endor is the first to wake up the following day, obviously less tired than Thorin.  And though she is not typically one to simply sit around, as one can easily figure out, Endor finds great peace in watching the dwarf king sleep this morning, his mouth slightly open.

It may sound cliche, but the king looks like a mere and innocent child when unconscious, mouth closing and face calm from all worries.  And though her favorite part of him, his eyes, are hidden from her, Endor finds herself more in love with Thorin than any moment before.  The way he is, just naturally, makes her heart want to sing for ages.

"I can feel you staring," the king says, a small grin rising from his mouth as Endor smiles at him, though he cannot see it.  With his back to the bed and her head risen from his bare chest, she has a perfect view of his features with the small light of the room.

"I cannot help appreciating the view," she responds jokingly, though she is being absolutely truthful in her words.  Like most hobbits, the woman appreciates aesthetics more than most mortal creatures, and Thorin is the most beautiful thing she has even seen, even more so when he opens his eyes at that moment.

"You really do not have reservations, do you?" the king rhetorically questions, one of his thick eyebrows rising up on his forehead.  It prompts Endor to reach out from under the covers to place her thumb on his forehead, brushing through his eyebrow and across the smooth skin of his tanned forehead.

"I do.  I just do not feel a need to hide them from you," Endor tells him, honestly in a rare happening of conversation.  Thorin catches her serious tone, smiling down at her as she rests her head momentarily on his shoulder.

"And I appreciate that," he responds, moving her in the process of transitioning to lean over her.  And though he just woke up and sleep lingers in his retinas, the blue eyes of the King Under the Mountain shine brighter than ever before.  "But you are far more breathtaking than I will ever be."

"But I'm soft--" the girl begins, head tilting downward in discomfort before Thorin tilts her face upward to meet his eyes once more.

"Women are meant to be soft.  No matter what you say, I will always see you as the most beautiful woman to walk the earth," Thorin tells her with such an open honesty that Endor is bound to listen to him.  It's one thing to be told of your beauty by some individual; it's another to be told by the person you love, that they think you are beautiful no matter your appearance.

"Suck up," the girl grins, catching onto his games as she leans upward to catch him in a breathtaking kiss.  Their lips mix with one another in a slow-burning passion, tongues together as he precariously perches himself over her and she plays with the curtain of hair around them. 

"That was not meant to be sucking-up," the king whispers huskily as he pulls away for breath, "but I'll take it."  Thorin kisses her harder and with more passion as the sheets worm around their skin.  He presses soft, yet perfectly harsh, kisses along her jaw and neck as she wraps her arms around his neck in an embrace.  Shakey sighs of content race from their lips, broken off as she forces his lips to hers again and dominates his mouth with her own tongue.  But just as things take a turn for the more heated, a knock sounds on the door, breaking them from their reverie.

"Laddie, the meeting's starting soon," Balin shouts, too fearful of the unknown to open the door like he typically does.  Of course, it is only logical to fear, and Endor does not blame him in the slightest.

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