||Chapter 34||

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||Chapter 34||

<|Third Age 2974|>

The day preceding the wedding of Thorin Oakenshield and Endor Baggins brings the mass exodus of both common and famous people from near and far to the enchanted kingdom of Erebor. Hundreds pile in from the dusty hills of the Lonely Mountain, caravans spilling out from the valleys and towards the Lake with ever increasing numbers. The rooms of Erebor, Dale, and Esgaroth alike are filled to the brim with families and singular people, leaving others to camp near the entrance to the Lonely Mountain like upper-level refugees.

How Balin managed to broadcast the wedding within such a small time as a week, Endor will continually question. She has never been one to fear attention from crowds, but that does not necessarily mean she desires to have a multi-thousand-person wedding. Quite honestly, Endor thinks the attention is quite ridiculous: Thorin surely cannot be that important, nevermind herself. Maybe they are here for the history and legends.

Whatever the cause, these people bring great fear to the girl as she takes up her position in greeting them in the Entrance of Erebor, a mindless task not meant for the mindful girl. But if she is to be Queen, Endor must learn these responsibilities and embrace them wholeheartedly.

When Endor sees Thranduil's caravan, though it is much more of a parade, she wants to both cower and cheer for a familiar face. The elf king himself rides on the large elk (moose) of many legends, followed by the familiar prince and stranger adorned in a messy cloak. As the Mirkwood King places the reigns of his mount in the hands of a dwarvish stable boy, Endor almost laughs at the looks of fear and question on the faces of the dwarves. Where are they to put such an animal as this? And how ever do they move it?

Endor moves quickly to greet Thranduil from her previously stable position, shuffling through the crowds and consequently drawing the attention of the elf king.

"Must you always make an entrance?" Endor questions, not doubting that Thranduil might have his soldiers carry him to-and-from places within his own kingdom.

"Only in foreign lands, Queen Under the Mountain," Thranduil responds, looking down at the tiny creature in front of him, feisty and extremely intelligent. And though she would typically bode a threat to his kingdom, Thranduil cannot help in liking her; not only is she smart, but she is loyal to those she deems to be her friends. Thranduil perceives that he is safe for this very reason.

"Not yet, King Thranduil. I still have a day of freedom," Endor remarks, causing Thranduil to release a mighty chuckle that draws the attention of many. But instead of paying her mind to the attention Thranduil has drawn, Endor looks over at the dismounted Prince of Mirkwood and mysterious stranger, no longer hidden by the hood of his cloak. Legolas catches her glance at the friend, moving forward to address her properly.

"Endor," the prince greets before directing his head in the direction of the stranger. "This is the Dunedain ranger that you and your friends seemed so curious about."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, my lady. I am Strider," the man greets, bowing to the small woman who seems to draw the attention of many people. For him, having travelled so far, he finds the hobbit to be very interesting, especially given her soon-to-be-permanent position as a dwarvish queen. It's quite remarkable, really.

"Please none of this 'lady' business--It gets on my last nerve. And I do enjoy your alias, heir of Gondor," Endor responds, smirking up at the man and elf as they still in every motion. The girl wants to roll her eyes at the propensity of Legolas to delude her, simply because he should know better from experience. Endor is much more than just a pretty face, but a smart and independent woman.

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